Senator Stéphane Ravier leaves Reconquête!

Senator Stéphane Ravier leaves Reconquête!

Two years after leaving the RN to join the party founded by Éric Zemmour, the senator from Bouches-du-Rhône announced his departure from Reconquête! and is running under the banner of his local party, “Marseille d’abord”, in view of the 2026 municipal elections.

The Figaro Marseille

Reconquête! and Stéphane Ravier, is it over? In an interview given this Monday morning to BFM Marseille, the senator of Bouches-du-Rhône indicates that he is no longer a member of the movement founded by Éric Zemmour. After years of activism within the RN, Stéphane Ravier joined Reconquête! in 2022. “I no longer belong to any national movement”insists Stéphane Ravier at the microphone of our colleagues, who is now presenting himself under the banner of his local party, “Marseille first”.

During the legislative elections, the senator, close to Marion Maréchal, had supported the latter’s approach to building the union of the right. An initiative of the MEP that had created strong tensions with Éric Zemmour to the point of excluding the politician from his movement. The situation of Stéphane Ravier had however remained pending within the party authorities. Stéphane Ravier’s historical right-hand man, Antoine Baudino had for his part resigned from his position as departmental head of Reconquête! in Bouches-du-Rhône.

“Focus on Marseille”

“Stéphane Ravier wants to focus exclusively on Marseille, explains a leader of Reconquest! Figaro. But we still work with his wife (Editor’s note: Éric Zemmour’s chief of staff). After the disappointment of the RN’s failure in the last legislative elections, Stéphane Ravier decided to focus on the local area. But Reconquête! and Marseille d’abord will continue to work together. I don’t think it’s a strategy at all. It’s more a disappointment, a disappointment. He now wants to concentrate his efforts on Marseille.”

Speaking to BFM Marseille, Stéphane Ravier confirmed that he aspired to “a union of the right” for the 2026 municipal elections, ranging from ex-LR Martine Vassal to her former RN allies, including the regional leader of Renaissance, Renaud Muselier.


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