Orange alert for seven departments in western France – Libération

Orange alert for seven departments in western France – Libération

This Saturday, August 31, Météo-France placed the Atlantic coast of France on orange alert for storms and specified that “an extension to neighboring departments is possible.”

For this last day of August, the weather will be stormy across the entire west of the country. According to the latest bulletin from Météo-France, thunderstorms are expected from this Saturday, August 31, at the end of the day and during the night in seven coastal departments, all placed on orange alert.

“A storm system is forming in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula and will then move north and affect the Atlantic coast on Saturday evening and Saturday night into Sunday,” informs the meteorological institute, placing four new departments on orange alert, namely Charente-Maritime, Vendée, Loire-Atlantique and Morbihan. At midday, Météo-France had already announced an orange alert for thunderstorms for the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Landes and Gironde.

As this storm passes, wind gusts of around 80 to 100 km/h – or even 100 to 110 km/h locally – are expected in Aquitaine and Charente-Maritime, accompanied by hail, with cumulative rainfall reaching 20 to 40 mm in a short space of time locally. From Vendée to southern Brittany, cumulative rainfall will reach 40 to 60 mm in the space of a few hours and will be accompanied by wind gusts of around 70 to 80 km/h. “Hailstorms are not excluded,” also specifies Météo-France.

“An extension [des orages] to neighboring departments is possible”finally warns the weather institute, which has also placed around forty departments on yellow alert.


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