7-year-old girl mowed down by motorcyclist in Vallauris is dead – Libération

7-year-old girl mowed down by motorcyclist in Vallauris is dead – Libération

The girl was hit on August 29 by a motorcyclist who was doing a wheelie while riding the wrong way. The driver was charged and placed under judicial supervision.

Kamilya, a 7-year-old girl hit by a motorcyclist on August 29 in Vallauris-Golfe-Juan (Alpes-Maritimes), died this Sunday, September 1, announced the family’s lawyer. “There was a spontaneous gathering this evening in Vallauris during which the father announced the death,” said Me Nabil Boudi. According to him, the investigation should be reclassified as of Monday in “manslaughter”. The driver did not test positive for alcohol or drugs. The suspect was indicted on Saturday evening, August 30, and placed under judicial supervision, announced the Grasse prosecutor’s office, which had requested provisional detention. In its press release earlier in the day, the prosecutor’s office gave the vital prognosis “very committed” of the victim, knocked down on a pedestrian crossing by this 19-year-old man who was doing a wheelie.

As part of this indictment, the prosecution and the investigating judge had requested that the accused be placed in provisional detention, as he was not known to the police or the courts until this tragedy.

More “The judge of liberties and detention has decided to place the person concerned under judicial supervision” with a number of obligations, including “report once every two weeks to the Antibes police station”, not to go to Vallauris or “to come into contact with the victim of the offence, his parents, brothers and sisters in any way whatsoever”. He also had to hand over his driving licence to the court registry and is banned from leaving the Alpes-Maritimes department. The prosecution said it had appealed this decision.

According to initial information provided by the Grasse public prosecutor, the little girl was crossing a pedestrian crossing with her 11-year-old brother when she was knocked down by the two-wheeler shortly before 7 p.m. She was reportedly thrown more than ten meters, according to the local press.

Firefighters intervened around 7 p.m. and tried to maintain the seriously injured child’s health for half an hour. Emergency services finally transported her to Lenval Hospital in Nice, under police escort. When she arrived at the hospital, the girl was put into an artificial coma. The prosecutor’s office said she suffered from head trauma and multiple fractures. On Friday at midday, the prosecutor’s office announced that her life prognosis remained “very committed”.

The rider of the motorcycle, a 600cc according to BFM TV, is unharmed. He was going up the avenue in the opposite direction of traffic, doing a wheelie, when he hit the 7-year-old girl. The 19-year-old motorcyclist was taken by the municipal police to the Antibes police station at 7:05 p.m. He was initially taken into custody there for “unintentional injuries resulting in total incapacity for work of more than three months, through a manifestly deliberate violation of a particular obligation of safety or prudence by the driver of a land motor vehicle”. Until then “unknown to the police and justice services” According to the prosecutor’s office, the driver had a driving license and was the owner of the motorcycle, which was properly insured.

The “urban rodeo” hypothesis dismissed

Widely circulated, notably by the LR deputy allied with the extreme right Eric Ciotti, the hypothesis of the urban rodeo, which would involve several people, was very quickly dismissed by investigators. Questioned by Nice-Matin, Laurent-Martin Defrémont, FO-police union delegate for the Alpes-Maritimes department, specifies that he “This is not an urban rodeo. We are dealing with a man who has nothing in his head. Twenty meters from the little girl, he wheeled away, and she was there. It is a real misfortune”.

The same story comes from the LR mayor of Vallauris, Kevin Luciano. Speaking to BFMTV, he rejects the use of the term “urban rodeo” to describe the tragedy that cost the life of a child. “You have an individual who is behaving criminally, who is driving much too fast, who is doing a wheelie on a busy road, but it is not an urban rodeo,” hammers the mayor.

The population is shocked

In the evening, shortly after the accident, an anonymous participant in the Facebook group: Entraide et solidarité Vallauris-Golfe-Juan also spoke on behalf of the neighbourhood’s residents regarding road safety: “We, the inhabitants of Tapis vert, are shocked, dismayed, dejected and angry. We are fed up with the madness of almost all the drivers who cross Vallauris with big motorbikes and cars, thinking they are on a motorway at that point, between the hospital roundabout and the Lidl store.”

This anonymous user concluded his message by calling for the creation of a petition to “ask for speed bumps, illuminated traffic signs at a good height, and also radar panels displaying your speed” and make a road prone to accidents safer. “The two lanes of the avenue are narrow and parking is difficult, forcing residents to park partially on the sidewalks, thus reducing space for pedestrians, write the local residents. This causes very reduced visibility at pedestrian crossings due to cars and especially trucks parked just in front.”

Update : at 2 p.m. with the addition of elements from the Grasse public prosecutor’s office; at 7 p.m. with new elements; on September 1 with the indictment and placement under judicial supervision of the motorcyclist, at 7:25 p.m. with the death of the little girl.


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