A meeting revealed by the Ukrainian president. Volodymyr Zelensky said on Saturday December 21 that he had spoken with CIA Director William Burns in Ukraine. He clarified, on Telegram, that they had had “many encounters during this war”most of which had been kept secret.
“I am grateful for his help”added the Ukrainian leader, indicating that “ usually such meetings are not made public, and all our meetings – in Ukraine, in other European countries, in America and in other parts of the world – took place without official information”.
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A meeting before the resignation of William Burns
Volodymyr Zelensky a soutenu que “the United States has been Ukraine's largest financial and military supporter in the almost three years since the attack on Moscow”and that Washington would also have “regularly shared military intelligence with Ukraine to support its defense”.
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Volodymyr Zelensky leaked a photo of himself shaking hands with William Burns on Saturday. The director of the CIA is also expected to resign after the coming to power of American President Donald Trump, who has pledged to end the war between Ukraine and Russia “in 24 hours”.