how a little American girl became a master in the art of kimono

how a little American girl became a master in the art of kimono
how a little American girl became a master in the art of kimono

Founded on March 22, 1897, it is the oldest English-language daily newspaper in Japan. Created to be the voice of Japan to Westerners, it has long been under the influence of the State. It was only after the end of World War II that it distanced itself, becoming an independent news outlet.

Read mainly by the many expatriates living in the archipelago and by executives of Japanese companies working internationally, “Le Temps du Japon” offers rich and varied content which reflects developments in Japanese society.

Available since 1996 on the Web, the electronic edition of Japan Times is among the pioneers of cybernetic adventure in Japan. Classically designed, the site allows easy access to the various sections linked to current events. The other advantage of its presence on the Net lies in the importance given to practical information about Japan, which is far from negligible for an Internet user discovering Japan. A good first contact for anyone who does not master the Mishima language.



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