Only five authors left for the 2024 Castel Prize

Only five authors left for the 2024 Castel Prize
Only five authors left for the 2024 Castel Prize

The second selection for the 2024 Castel Prize:

Another is waiting for me elsewhere, by Christophe Bigot, La Martinière

Orangerie syndrome, by Grégoire Bouillier, Flammarion

Heartby Thibault de Montaigu, Albin Michel

Accounts of certain eventsby Yasmina Reza, Flammarion

The vertical girl, de Félicia Viti, Gallimard

Co-founded by Castel and Carole Chrétiennot, the Castel Prize crowns a French novel from the literary season, by an author whom the jury believes would have had a place at Jean Castel’s table.

The award jury brings together Emma Becker, Claire Berest, Vincent Darré, Étienne Gernelle, Eva Ionesco, Marc Lambron, Justine Lévy, Jean-Noël Pancrazi, Abnousse Shalmani, new entrant, and Gaël Tchakaloff.

The winner will be given a Castel membership card. For a year, he will be, with the person of his choice, the privileged guest of Castel, and a plaque will be engraved with his name and placed in the library. The prize is also endowed by Castel with an amount of €5,000.

The first two editions rewarded, in 2022, Catherine Millet for Beginnings (Flammarion) and, in 2023, Arthur Dreyfus for The Third Hand (P.O.L).

Find the list of French and French-speaking literary prizes

Photo credits: Thibault de Montaigu © Pascal Ito (Albin Michel)

FILE – Selections, juries, winners: the 2024 literary season awards



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