what assessment and what prospects for 2025?

what assessment and what prospects for 2025?
what assessment and what prospects for 2025?

For the 2025 edition, the collective Alpha Powera major joint competition allowing to join an engineering school, pursues its ambitions. Created 7 years ago now, Puissance Alpha represents today 19 schoolsall labeled ESSPIG and are accredited by the Commission for Engineering Qualifications (CTI).

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What is the outcome for the Puissance Alpha competition for 2024?

The giant of engineering competitions presented this Wednesday, October 16we take stock of the 2024 edition of the competition. The evaluation methods remain unchanged. The giant of joint engineering competitions personalizes each grade for the benefit of the student, with the aim of ensuring equal opportunities and diversity. The scoring criteria are therefore as follows:

  • 50% of the file mark
    • For general baccalaureate profiles who have opted for two “2 sciences” scientific specialty courses and technological baccalaureate graduates: one mark per school + one competitive examination mark
    • For “1 science” profiles: one school only. The reason? “Only schools know if the student profile can identify the skills and the program,” insists Agnès Laville, new president of Puissance Alpha.
  • 50% of the written test mark for all profiles. “The personalization of the coefficients is assigned by the school”.

At the end of the tests, the candidates have a different overall grade and admission result for each program.

The results of the Puissance Alpha post-baccalaureate competition (bac+5)

For greater clarity, the main competition concerns the engineering course in bac+5. In 2024, the latter progresses: +3 % of candidateswith nearly 1,200 wishes expressed.

On the parity side, the competition maintains its number of girls27% of candidates, while there are fewer of them in scientific specialties in final year. “It’s never enough, we would like more girls, we never stop getting the message across,” admits Astrid Woitellier, general director of Puissance Alpha. “Nevertheless, we maintain. Girls lose interest in science in final year and this persistence remains important,” she adds.Engineering schools remain optimistic for the years to come and hope that the pool of young girls will increase.

Another key point is the increase in the number of candidates for a sciencein a context of diversification of profiles. Thus, 87% of candidates registered for the competition opted for “2 sciences”, while 13% of candidates came from the technological path and the “1 science” general baccalaureate. Likewise, 66% of candidate numbers in 2024 have opted fora scientific double maths/physics and 34% for other combinations.

“Science 1 candidates are those who do not have the “perfect profile” to join an engineering school, those who do not dare, especially girls. At Puissance Alpha, a third does not necessarily have this profile with an average of 15 in maths and physics-chemistry,” explains Astrid Woitellier. “Many high school students realize late that they are stuck when they have not taken two sciences, but our goal is to reach out to them and lead them towards the engineering path,” adds Agnès Laville.

What is the outcome for bachelor admissions (bac+3) in 2024?

For candidates registered for concours admission bachelors, the training request has increased. Indeed, Puissance Alpha notes a 16% increase in candidates and 2,700 wishes expressed on the Parcoursup higher education access platform (+1,000 wishes in two years).

The bachelor turned to “social openness”, with 14% of profiles already on scholarships in secondary education. “Profiles opt for this competition because it is cheaper and it allows rapid integration into the professional world, with bac+3», analyzes among others Astrid Woitellier. Enrollment in these bac+3 courses shows the progression of girls: 21% girls in 2024 (compared to 15% in 2023).

Following the common tests, 3,000 students were integrated into a bachelor’s degree from Puissance Alpha’s partner engineering schools (+18%). The proportion of girls integrated “is similar to that of the candidates” with 21% female staff.

What developments for the common common of Puissance Alpha in 2025?

The giant of joint competitions for engineering schools has unveiled several new features, so that the collective can stand out from the crowd. Focus on the main announcements.

Removal of the French written test

Until now, Puissance Alpha offered students a written French test in the form of multiple choice questions. This exercise was based on understanding texts, grammar and spelling. “We realized that it was anxiety-provoking for many or they weren’t preparing for it”explains the general director. Other reasons have been mentioned to justify this deletion. Bottom line: the written test made no difference in the final calculation of the grade and highlighted discriminatory social biases.

Focus on the 2025 offer of the Puissance Alpha competition

New campuses and programs so that students “stay as close as possible” from his home. A few examples highlighted by those responsible for the competition: ISEP is opening a new campus in , HEI Junia is offering a new program in . Finally, ISEN is opening a new campus in .

In addition, Puissance Alpha wants to guarantee better readability of the training offer for new students. “Parcoursup is the first search engine for students. The idea was to work on clarity for the student and to clearly explain what the training is with key information: school, program, and level of training.indicates Astrid Woitellier.

On the post-baccalaureate admission platform, Puissance Alpha offers the largest range of training courses with more than 80 bac+5 programs and 20 bac+3 programs. In , 35 campuses are represented.

The ESITC of joins the competition

The Puissance Alpha competition extends to the east of France and welcomes a new school located in Lorraine: ESITC Metz joins the adventure. This establishment trains, in 5 years, engineers in the field of construction and building.

“They are project managers, capable of ensuring the overall management of a construction operation, from design to operation,” notes the collective. The ESITC in Metz makes it possible to offer the complete training offer to candidates, in the fields of construction, materials and civil engineering. The school welcomes 290 students each year, several of whom follow work-study training.

If a new school joins the Puissance Alpha competition, the total number of establishments remains unchangedbecause an agronomy establishment, ESA , is moving away from the Puissance Alpha competition to carry out recruitment procedures specific to it.

Here is the list of 19 schools of the Alpha Power competition:



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