Israel: at war with the UN? in replay

Israel: at war with the UN? in replay
Israel: at war with the UN? in replay

the increasingly tense and violent standoff between Israel and the UN in the Middle East… On the one hand the United Nations which regularly accuses Israel of violating international law and even of war crimes; on the other the Hebrew State which accuses the UN of being a den of anti-Semites… A standoff which has increasingly concrete consequences on the ground in the south of Lebanon where incidents are increasing… So Israel is he going too far or is he right to denounce the bias of the United Nations? We are discussing it this Tuesday, October 15, 2024 with:

▶︎ Ofer BRONCHTEIN President of the International Peace Forum

▶︎ Gérard ARAUD Diplomat, former French ambassador to Israel, former permanent representative of to the United Nations (2009-2014), author of “Israel – The Trap of History” published by Tallandier (07.03.24)

▶︎ Caroline HAYEK Senior reporter at L’Orient-Le Jour, winner of the Albert-Londres prize for written press in 2021

▶︎ Céline BARDET Lawyer, international criminal investigator, founder of the NGO “We are not weapons of war”

▶︎ Alain DIECKHOFF Sociologist, research director at CNRS, professor at CERI Sciences po, author of “Israel-Palestine: an endless war? » published by Armand Colin (05/04/2022), co-director of “A world in crises” published by Presses de Sciences Po (09/15/2023)

Presented by: Karim Rissouli

Columnists: Laure Adler, Camille Diao, Arthur Chevallier

Production house: France Télévisions / Together Media




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