In the center of Lyon, a college forced to close its doors after the start of the school year was deemed “chaotic”

In the center of Lyon, a college forced to close its doors after the start of the school year was deemed “chaotic”

Teachers at the Raoul Dufy middle school, located in the 3rd arrondissement of Lyon, went on strike on Tuesday, September 10, to obtain the appointment of an assistant principal in response to the implementation of the so-called “Knowledge Shock” reform, which complicates the creation of timetables at the middle school.

The Figaro Lyon

The teachers’ mobilization was such that the head of the establishment was unable to open the gates. Faced with a start to the year described as “chaotic” by the unions, the teachers of the Raoul Dufy college, located between Guillotière and Part-Dieu, walked out on Tuesday, September 10 to denounce “very difficult back-to-school conditions for both students and staff”. A closure “very exceptional” et “by decision of the head of the establishment”assures the rectorate, specifying that “The students were welcomed today (Wednesday, Editor’s note) and classes were able to resume without incident.”

The unions pointed out the absence of a deputy principal since mid-June, the incumbent being on sick leave. The principal therefore had to face an administratively complicated return to school alone due to the establishment of level groups in 6th and 5th grade classes, in a context of a shortage of teachers.

“At the start of the school year, there were three teachers missing, a guidance counselor and the deputy principal, leaving the head of the establishment to manage all the back-to-school requirements.”attacks Caroline Garcia, CGT delegate and History-Geography teacher at Raoul Dufy, who says she requested an audience with the rector on September 5. “Gradually, teachers were appointed, requiring timetables to be redone with the constraints of level groups, which are a real headache in a “small” college like ours (460 students, Editor’s note).”

Deputy Principal Appointed, Teachers Appointed Too

The reform would be there “impossible to apply” according to the unions which mention “the establishment of “false” need groups”, “DIY solution”to reach the required numbers. And to point out a lack of main teachers, those of French and Mathematics, now having difficulty fulfilling this function in the face of classes split into several groups in their subjects. A national mobilization was also organized this Tuesday against this reform called the “Clash of knowledge”, wanted by Gabriel Attal when he was Minister of National Education and implemented by Nicole Belloubet.

Also read“It’s a massacre”: the start of the school year marked by numerous class closures in the Rhône

Faced with this “untenable situation”, The teachers had filed a notice of a renewable strike until September 20. A mobilization finally suspended since they won their case and a deputy principal was appointed. She will take up her duties on September 16. The academic inspectorate will also receive the union delegates in audience on September 19. For its part, the rectorate assures that to date all the teaching positions have been filled in the establishment.


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