Silver in canoeing, Nélia Barbosa offers a 75th medal to France

Silver in canoeing, Nélia Barbosa offers a 75th medal to France

On the Vaires-sur-Marne basin, the Frenchwoman finished 2nd in the 200m KL3, thus confirming her result from Tokyo three years ago.

Silver medallist in Tokyo three years ago, Nélia Barbosa did the same in Paris this Sunday, bringing a 75th medal to the French Paralympic team that will fulfill the objective set before the start of these Games, namely finishing in the Top 8. On paper, not having managed to do better than in the Japanese capital could sound like a disappointment for the Frenchwoman, who has worked hard over the last three years to win gold in Vaires-sur-Marne in the 200m KL3 category. But the paracanoe specialist knew what to expect with the British Laura Sugar, defending champion and big favorite in the final, facing her…

Moreover, the one who trains in Champigny-sur-Marne was not mistaken when she came to comment on her silver medal with a huge smile, and not a shadow of regret on the horizon. “It was incredible, I loved this race, this atmosphere. I didn’t imagine this. We always dream of gold but to manage to take silver, behind a stratospheric opponent, is strong. Especially since in terms of time, I continue to get closer to her and I am still young, so I still have a lot of room for improvement.” And the future prospects are necessarily grandiose for this 25-year-old woman, who suffered from neurofibromatosis in her right ankle, forcing her to have it amputated in 2017.

This Sunday, Nélia Barbosa played her all by starting very strongly but on the last 100 meters, she could do nothing against the comeback of the British who finished in 46”66 (against 47”91 for the French). A time for the moment out of reach of the Val-de-Marnaise, despite the encouragement of a crowd at the rendezvous for one of the last events of these Paralympic Games. A support which she fed on. “Hearing people chanting my name is a real boost, even if at the start I can’t hear anything, I’m 100% focused on my performance. But it’s a real pleasure to experience a race like this.” Now, go for gold in LA in 2028 for her.

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