Fabienne Carat “very uncomfortable” after swimsuit scene

Fabienne Carat “very uncomfortable” after swimsuit scene

Last night TF1 broadcast a new episode of Research sectioncalled the 12th passenger. A special issue in which the film crew relocated for the occasion to Martinique. This is the third time that the series has moved overseas, after New Caledonia in 2018 and Reunion in 2023. Filming took place in the Caribbean but in winter and was not a long, quiet river for the actors. We had a lot of rain. Which disrupted the filming plans quite a bit, but that’s one of the mishaps you can encounter. We had to adapt. We lived two parallel stories, the fictional one and the real one. ” told us Fabienne Carat in interview.

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Research Section (TF1) – Fabienne Carat: “This episode is a mix of Cluedo and survivalism in Koh-Lanta mode”

“I was next door, very uncomfortable, full of complexes”

The actress also confided in our colleagues at Télé Loisirs, returning to a sequence which put her “very uncomfortable“, while she was filming in a swimsuit next to a “younger” actress.”Nobody, really nobody, complimented me. Nobody said to me: ‘You’re pretty, it suits you.’ While the actress who was next to me got a lot of compliments.” regretted the 45-year-old actress and added “I was next to her, very uncomfortable, full of complexes. At the time, you tell yourself that there is a problem, that I am so fat and ugly that people don’t dare say it.


- Télé 7 Jours

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