Matthieu Lartot still full of bitterness after the Paralympic Games, he targets people in particular

Matthieu Lartot still full of bitterness after the Paralympic Games, he targets people in particular

Matthieu Lartot is of course, like his colleagues at “France Télévisions”, very proud to have been able to bring these Olympic and Paralympic Games to life, through his commentaries. However, there is one detail that saddens him, once again.

Sunday, September 8, 2024, was the closing ceremony of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games. The day before, Matthieu Lartot gave an initial assessment of the event. Pointing out the fact that “theThe big stars were not present during the twelve days of the Games.“. A finding shared by Michael Jeremiasz, head of mission of the French delegation: “All the actors, singers and everyone who came a little bit”bling bling“As for the Olympic Games, I haven’t seen them.

There did indeed seem to be less enthusiasm than during the Olympic Games, even if certain personalities continued to play the game, like Antoine Griezmann, who continued to publish his “medal alerts” on his X account (formerly Twitter). But that wasn’t enough according to Matthieu Lartot, who has just added another layer, for Closer. I regret the absence of French celebrities and sports stars in the stands during the Paralympic events. Although the Paralympics were a huge success, there is still much to be done to change attitudes towards disability” he explained to the magazine.

Matthieu Lartot, what he also regrets

Which has the merit of being clear, therefore. Note that the journalist from France Télévisions did not stop there, since he…

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“Everywhere at the Olympics, but here, no one!”: Matthieu Lartot draws up the sad assessment of the Paralympic Games…
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