Elsa Lunghini denounces the predators she met at the age of 13

Elsa Lunghini denounces the predators she met at the age of 13

Back on the billHere it all begins In the role of chef Clotilde Armand-Guéraud, which she has been playing for almost four years now, Elsa Lunghini finds herself at the heart of a new family intrigue. On this occasion, the actress well known to viewers gave an interview to Télé Loisirs.

Elsa Lunghini, a child star protected by her loved ones

During this interview, the actress who took her first steps in cinema at the age of seven (in the feature film Police custody by Claude Miller with Romy Schneider, Lino Ventura and Michel Serrault, editor’s note) spoke about her beginnings and the importance she gives to the family circle and those around her: “My entourage has been extremely important to me. I have always benefited from great protection from my loved ones, who served as a shield against external aggression of all kinds.“. This precious close protection also allowed her on several occasions to escape the worst during bad encounters when she was barely a teenager.”I have sometimes been confronted with delicate situations, particularly with men of 50 or 60 years old who dared to invite me for a drink or dinner when I was only 13 years old. These invitations were obviously inappropriate and, unfortunately, we know what happened to other young actresses in similar situations…“, Elsa Lunghini confides to our colleagues.

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