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Anouchka Delon Shares Touching New Message About Her Late Father, Alain Delon

Anouchka Delon Shares Touching New Message About Her Late Father, Alain Delon

It is a mourning from which she will take time to recover, she who was so close to her father. On Thursday, September 5, 2024, almost three weeks after the death of Alain Delon, his daughter shared a moving message on social networks. “You are no longer where you were, but you are everywhere I am,” wrote Anouchka Delon in her Instagram story, in the caption of a photo taken from what appears to be her balcony. In all sobriety, the young woman immortalized the sunset in front of her Geneva building, which she accompanied with the famous song by the rock group U2, With or without you. Meaningful words – “With or without you, I can’t live…” – which sadly resonate in this difficult period for the darling child of The Leopard. Indeed, Anouchka Delon has always been particularly close to her father, who has never hidden his preference for her over her two brothers, Anthony and Alain-Fabien. “I have a daughter who is the love of my life, maybe even a little too much compared to others, it can hurt sometimes. Maybe I helped her as I didn’t help others enough,” Alain Delon himself acknowledged on the show Thé ou Café in 2018.

This new message, the second she has published since the actor’s death on August 18, echoes the first. On August 26, after eight days of silence, Anouchka Delon spoke for the first time about her terrible pain. “I will keep you in my heart. To make my fear fly away. (…)

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