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Silver. Schoolchildren learn about nature

Students from the two Argentré schools are participating in the “On the path to nature” project, initiated by Mayenne Nature Environnement, which aims to allow these young people to discover nature, to train in ecological management practices of spaces and to promote the municipal natural heritage. This project is co-financed between the “TEN Agglo” program (Territoire Engagé pour la Nature) and the JAVO Basin Union (Jouanne, Agglo Laval, Vicoin and Ouette).

Two places have been chosen to be labeled: a path which runs along the body of water and the conservatory orchard. “It is a work of 11 half-days, which is done in partnership between MNE and the schools of the municipalityexplains Guillaume Chouard, MNE host. We aim to create a link between natural heritage and schools, through outings in nature and the installation of educational panels, initiated by the students we will support. » This label should help to strengthen the attractiveness of our municipality and raise residents' awareness of the importance of preserving their environment.

The first meetings at public schools started on Monday and an inauguration will take place in June.


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