Defense Minister Viola Amherd announced on Wednesday her resignation by the end of March. Valaisanne was elected in December 2018. Speculation about an early departure was rife.
The announcement of his resignation comes two weeks after the end of his presidential year. The resignation of centrist party president Gerhard Pfister at the start of the week reignited rumors about his departure.
Now things are clear. “After more than 30 years of active politics, including more than 25 years in executive function, it is time to make way for new blood,” she declared. She said she had been thinking about it for “some time”.
Each federal councilor makes such a decision alone, she assured, when asked if her announcement was linked to pressure from the UDC calling for her resignation. According to her, once the decision was made, it had to be clearly and quickly publicized, to avoid uncertainties.
The Valais minister will keep fond memories of her presidential year. The objectives it had set for itself were achieved, in particular the successful completion of negotiations with the EU.
“I’m grateful to have been able to work so much, sometimes too much,” she revealed. “I’m still in good shape” and it’s a good time to go. The Valaisanne is looking forward to “calm and rest”. She does not wish to take up a new mandate.
Cutting short the criticism, she argued that it was necessary to let the “bad languages” speak. “I have experienced many campaigns that I have overcome well.”
Work for his successor
Asked about her assessment, Viola Amherd left it to journalists to do so. However, she highlighted several positive points in her Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sports (DDPS).
And to cite the increase in financial resources for the army, the creation of the State Secretariat for Security Policy (SEPOS), the integration of the Federal Office for Cybersecurity into its department, international cooperation in matters defense, a study on discrimination and sexualized violence within the army, a strengthening of ethics in the sporting field, or even the transformation of the Confederation’s Intelligence Service.
The promotion of women in the army is also an “incredible success”. Valaisanne doubled the percentage from 0.7 to 1.6%. The army today has a position for women and diversity and therefore an opportunity to interest women in military service.
Viola Amherd said she was convinced that she had achieved some important milestones during her tenure. However, everything has not been perfect and there is still work to be done for his successor.
Not influence the succession
On this point, she said she had no wishes, apart from someone from the Center. Amherd said she had no intention of influencing the succession in any way by resigning for the spring.
According to her, party president Gerhard Pfister, who announced his resignation for June, is not excluded from the race. The vice-presidency of the Center can take over, she recalled.
Several names have already been announced to succeed Valaisanne: the former president of the National Council Martin Candinas (GR), the State Councilor Isabelle Chassot (FR) as well as the State Councilor Benedikt Würth (SG). The party will hold a press conference next Monday to unveil the internal process for the election to the Federal Council.
Unconventional communication
The 62-year-old central politician from Brig-Glis (VS) succeeded Doris Leuthard. She was the first woman to lead the DDPS. She will have only faced the people once, successfully, on September 27, 2020, on combat planes.
She announced her decision at the end of a press conference on the development of the obligation to serve system. This communication is unconventional, as federal councilors are accustomed to announcing their resignation during a dedicated press conference. The announcement also coincides with the departure of his personal collaborator Brigitte Hauser-Süess at the end of 2024.
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