Nine-year-old Aya Hamdoune, a fifth-year primary school student, was able to defy unfavorable conditions and demonstrate unparalleled talent. Recently, the young author published her collection of exceptional short stories entitled “Iris and the Child of the Sun”.
When talent defies age and marginalization. Aya Hamdoune, an inspiring young Moroccan writer, was only nine years old when she wrote her collection of short stories “Iris and the Child of the Sun”. Coming from the margins, she was able to distinguish herself as an author of short stories, also passionate about literary sculpture.
“Iris the Child of the Sun”, recently published by Éditions Al Nawras, is a collection intended for young readers, but it is imbued with the reflections of adults and their questions. His imagination tackles big questions in creative and dreamlike ways. In his presentation of the collection, teacher Abdelrahman Boutayeb writes: “ We believe, like other observers of the cultural scene, that in every great creator there resides a mischievous child, a beautiful and mischievous child, who does not find peace until he has extracted from the heart of the creative adult a literary and aesthetic expression imbued with creativity, originality and distinction”.
This represents a general rule, but Aya’s case is particular. Here, the exception is confirmed: we believe, rather than the general rule, that in every growing child resides a great creator… hidden, withdrawn, waiting for the opportunity to flourish, if he has the chance to discover their potential early and to be supported responsibly.
The proof of this distinction is affirmed by the words of Aya, who opens her collection with this sentence: “ The sun is angry… and the earth is afraid of burning, as if it were hitting the distracted faces, unaware of the reality of a world that cannot suit the particular situation of children. She thus hopes to awaken sleeping hearts and anesthetized minds, immersed in their carelessness, so that they become aware of the current planetary crisis.. »
The collection draws on a fertile imagination, ranging from science fiction to the interaction between urban worlds and the transformations due to urbanization, and the rural world, as well as the painful transitions that accompany them. It is a fascinating world, created by a small artist with a big imagination, who shapes, with elegant language, her ideas and visions of time, history and humanity. With a vision beyond her age and that of her peers, Aya Hamdoune is a rising star who lights up the sky of Moroccan creativity, with her promising work which announces a bright future.
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