The reception was violent. Police officers on patrol were attacked by around fifty people in a street in Villejuif (Val-de-Marne), early Friday evening. A man, riding a scooter, was arrested, “as part of a refusal to comply”, specified the Créteil prosecutor's office this Saturday morning. This adult was placed in police custody at the Kremlin-Bicêtre police station, in charge of the investigation.
It all starts with a simple refusal to stop when controlling a scooter rider. The police chase the latter and find themselves faced with more than fifty people who are apparently taking part in the filming of a music video. The atmosphere immediately becomes electric. No declaration was made and therefore no authorization granted for this filming, in rue Jean-Mermoz.
Among the people present, around ten are riding, most without helmets, on motocross bikes. The driver of the scooter abandons it and takes refuge in the lobby of a building. The police followed him there and managed to arrest him. But very quickly, dozens of attackers face them.
Police reinforcements converge on the spot to lend a hand to this first patrol which is quickly overwhelmed. To free themselves and as the projectiles rained down on them, the officials repeatedly used defensive bullet launchers and tear gas grenades. Another patrol will be attacked in the same area a little later in the evening.
Just before Christmas, severe clashes broke out in a district of Meaux (Seine-et-Marne), again during the filming of an unauthorized music video and after the police wanted to control a man riding a motocross bike.
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