« Live flame, my only hope » ! These words from the chorus of the jubilee hymn were the first to be heard on Sunday December 29 at the Sainte Ségolène church for the opening of the jubilee of hope. Monsignor Ballot, who presided over the celebration, invited the hundred pilgrims present to praise with this invocation: “ Blessed be the Father: by sending his Word, he made it a sign of hope and a sacrament for the redemption of humanity“. A few days before the Feast of the Nativity, this rite was held around a 3 meter high cross, during which extracts from the bull of indiction of the jubilee (signed by Pope Francis) were proclaimed, before the pilgrims processioned towards the cathedral.
The procession crossed the streets of Metz, accompanied by the songs of the master of the cathedral.
Arriving at Saint-Etienne Cathedral, it was from the back of the building that the bishop invited the assembly to venerate the cross, which crossed the nave where many faithful had already taken their places. And to conclude these rites around the opening of the jubilee, Monsignor Ballot crossed the cathedral to sprinkle the faithful.
On this feast day of the Holy Family, the mass continued with the liturgy of the Word. During his homily, Monsignor Ballot, who recalled the importance of the title of the jubilee (“Hope does not disappoint”) in his own experience, also cited Sr. Emmanuelle who highlighted the difficulty of “restoring Hope” to our Western society. By quoting Pope Francis in the bull of indiction or the Second Vatican Council, he highlighted the people to whom hope only asked to be announced: the sick, the young, the elderly, the poor and detainees.
You can also listen to the entire celebration on RCF:
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