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Aberration in this village in Orne, electric poles are removed and put back for fiber


Editorial L'Aigle

Published on

Dec 28 2024 at 8:01 p.m.

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This project, mentioned by the mayor of the village of Renouard (Orne), in Orne, Karim Bounabduring his vows, in January, was formalized with the commitment of the site at the end of August. It focused on the deployment of new underground electrical lines, over 2 km, allowing the removal of 27 posts.

The municipality requested this landfill work in 2020 from the departmental union, Territoire d'énergie Orne (Te61), which is financing it at a cost of €234,000.

No outages during storms

As long as burying them lines electric, the municipality took advantage of it so that the same would be true for the network of telecommunicationscovering the cost of €49,550. The project management of the entire project as well as the coordination of the undergrounding of the various lines were ensured by Te61.

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Last phase of work

At the start of the week, the final phase took place, the commissioning of the underground network, by the company SPIE, in charge of the work. “From now on, the sixteen homes in this sector are officially connected by this new buried line which will be protected from climatic hazards.

Secure networks

“This work thus contributes to optimizing and securing the electricity supply, particularly in the event of a storm such as we have experienced recently,” indicates Philippe Auvraypresident of the departmental union Te61.

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Karim Bounab, mayor of the town, welcomes this. He also notes that “the securing of the networks carried out since this year meant that, during the snowstorm and the storm this weekend, there were no power cuts”.

Public energy and networks service

As a reminder, the Te61 is a departmental energy union bringing together all the municipalities of Orne. It is the organizing authority for electricity distribution.

The union delegates the management of this public service to two concessionaires, Enedis for distribution and EDF for the supply of electricity at regulated sales rates. It carries out, on behalf of member communities, electrification, reinforcement, security and burying work on networks.

The Te61.

In order to respond to the challenges of transition energy, “it supports communities in new skills such as gas, public lighting, the production of renewable energies, mobility, wood-energy heating networks or even energy advice on public buildings. It provides technical expertise that is difficult to implement on a community scale.”

Network modernization

Other projects aimed at modernisation electrical networks, via their security, were in fact created in 2024 in the municipality by the Te61, with the security of the electrical lines aerial from the pumping station and the Impasse des Oucques. Underground security at the place called Le Moncel is underway, while in spring 2025, the reinforcement of the overhead power lines at the place called Le Tremblais is planned.

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181,085 euros more

Or an additional sum of €181,085 covered by the Te61. In Moncel, the municipality also finances the burying of telecommunications networks for an amount of €11,313. The town's poles will be removed once “the company has put the telecommunications network into service”. This may take “several weeks, or even several months”.

48 more poles with fiber

If the network erasure project in the village town allows the elimination of 27 postson the other hand the installation of the fiber network must bring back 48, to the great dismay of the mayor, Karim Bounab, and the inhabitants of the village. About twenty years ago, the town had the telephone network linking the town to the Moncel sector erased, passing through the church and the castle. But back then, there was no scabbard.

“A budgetary effort to erase the networks and a budgetary effort to make them reappear”

Karim Bounab, maire

The posts are not the right ones

Just outside the village, over a hundred meters, poles have resurfaced.

For now everything is stopped. There is a change of service provider at the department level and a study must be relaunched, because I had negotiated that, in places, this remains erased. However, a priori, the network will be aerial, over 2 km 100

Karim Bounab

The poles that have started to be installed, in metal“are not the good ones. They should be composite.” A very small consolation for the Renouardais.

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