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Pays de : has the population of your municipality increased?

3 Stable population in five municipalities

In addition to Hennebont, the populations of four other municipalities in the region are considered “stable” by INSEE. These are Locmiquélic (4,094 inhabitants), Merlevenez (3,191), Quistinic (1,423) and Lanvaudan (809). Conversely, only one municipality is considered to be in decline. This is Gestel. In six years, the town of 2,569 inhabitants in 2022 has lost 182, an average annual drop of 1.1%.

4 Two municipalities with less than 1,000 inhabitants

Lanvaudan and Gâvres remain the two smallest municipalities in the territory. The first has only gained six inhabitants in six years, the second doubles that number and has 685 inhabitants. These are the only two municipalities not to exceed the threshold of a thousand inhabitants. Which means that in the event of municipal elections, municipal councilors will be elected by multi-member majority vote. Which should be the case in March 2026. It is unlikely that these two municipalities will pass the 1,000 inhabitants mark by then.

5 The municipal population of the 30 communes

(58,202 inhabitants), (23,188), Ploemeur (18,873), Hennebont (15,831), Guidel (12,236), Quéven (8,906), Larmor-Plage (8,368), Languidic (8,046) , Caudan (7,110), Kervignac (7,085), Inzinzac-Lochrist (6 631), Plouay (5,779), Riantec (5,742), Plouhinec (5,343), Locmiquélic (4,094), Pont-Scorff (4,015), Cléguer (3,404), Merlevenez (3,191), Port-Louis (2,689), Gestel (2,569), Groix (2,308), Bubry (2 262), Inguiniel (2,196), Nostang (1,650), Brandérion (1,480), Quistinic (1,423), Sainte-Hélène (1,298), Calan (1,267), Lanvaudan (809), Gâvres (685) .



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