: Investiture of the municipal children’s council

: Investiture of the municipal children’s council
Lorient: Investiture of the municipal children’s council

The inauguration ceremony for the 2024-2026 mandate of the municipal children’s council took place this Wednesday, December 18. It was at the Town Hall that around fifty children were received. Mayor Fabrice Loher and Deputy Assistant for Education Morgane Christien.

This council has existed since 1988 and places children aged 9 to 11 for 18 months. The objective is to improve the living environment of young people on the themes of solidarity, leisure, sport or health.

Local and regional information on JAIME Radio is:

10 flashes per day: Every half hour between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m., at 12 p.m., 5 p.m., 6 p.m., 7 p.m.
Grand Large, the local news magazine every day of the week at 12 p.m. and 6 p.m.
Finally every evening specialized magazines at 7 p.m.:

Monday “I love all sports” with comments, interviews, reports on the big clubs in our region: football with FCL, basketball with CEP Breizh basketball, handball with Handball and the Hennebont Lochrist Hand Ball, table tennis with the GVHTT, rugby with the RCV…

Tuesday, “Engrenages”, the magazine for the social, solidarity and sustainable economy. Interviews and reports to highlight local actors.

Wednesday “JAIME Radio does its show / cinema”: show and cinema news: interviews with artists performing on stages in the region, actors and directors present in the previews of films screened at the Cinéville and at the CGR.

On Thursday, “Pousse le son” with a local artist in an interview followed by a track played acoustically in the JAIME Radio studio.

On Fridays, rotating magazines on various subjects. Whether it’s local politics, general news or good outing tips.

JAIME Radio, the No. 1 local radio in the region of Lorient and the region of Quimperlé.



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