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“Illuminated Nature”, at the Bernard-d’Agesci museum until 2025

Alain Chauffier, vice-president in charge of culture, Fabienne Texier, interim director of the Niort Agglo museums and Jean Worms, naturalist and bibliophile, scientific advisor, presented the exhibition “La Nature enluminée” at the Musée Bernard-d’ Agesci, in Niort. It is installed until January 12, 2025.

“The paradox of conservation is doing conservation and not being conservative”declared Alain Chauffier as a preamble. As they wander through the six rooms, visitors will take a journey into the world of naturalist illustration: a reconstruction of a naturalist’s study (end of the 18th century)e-beginning of the 19the century), history of naturalist illustration from the middle of the 15the century in the golden age (1750-1850). End of the trip in the living room of a collector of the 21e century.

In connection with the exhibition, from July 11, the world of Dominique Robin, a visual artist from Deux-Sèvres who exhibits in New York and Rome, will be available to discover.

Art and nature guided tours, on foot and by bike, are also planned to discover the installations of artists Fred Battle and Martine Hoyas.

Agesci Museum, 26, avenue de Limoges, in Niort. Guided tours: Tuesdays at 3 p.m. Price: €7.50 for over-25s, €2.50 for 12-25s. Young and old naturalists: Wednesdays, July 10 and 24; August 7 and 21 at 2:30 p.m. The guided tour will be followed by a creative workshop for young and old. Art and nature tours: on foot on Fridays, July 19 and August 9. Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes. By bike, Fridays, August 2 and 23. Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes. Limited places, free upon reservation at Information and prices [email protected]


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