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Saint Peter and Saint Paul, the inseparable – ZENIT

Saint Peter and Saint Paul are always celebrated together on June 29. The two apostles are the pillars, the “living stones” of the Catholic Church, and Tradition has never celebrated them one without the other.

The Roman liturgical calendar provides other occasions to commemorate the holy Apostles. Thus, on January 25, we celebrate the Conversion of Paul on the road to Damascus, on February 22, the Chair of Saint Peter, which recalls his mission as pastor of the Church, and on November 18, the Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul, patron saints of the city of Rome. But the solemnity of June 29 is even more important.

Saint Peter the Apostle, in front of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome ©

Peter and Paul are both testimonies of an “unshakeable” faith, of a strong encounter with Christ. They are inseparable, complementary, and yet very different from one another. Their memory is a beautiful source of inspiration for the mission of the Church.

Simon, now Peter, was a Galilean fisherman living in Capernaum, on the shores of Lake Tiberias. He left his nets to follow the rabbi: “ Follow me. Your name will be Pierre “. He later showed his weakness by denying Jesus when he was arrested, but he returned to him: “ Lord, you know everything, you know well that I love you ” Peter was given the task of being the pastor, in a way the “rock” of the Church: ” You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church. » For Christ’s sake, he was crucified.

St Paul, in front of the basilica of St Paul hors-les-murs ©

A Jew from Tarsus in Asia Minor and a Roman citizen, Paul violently persecuted the early Christians. Saul, why do you persecute me? », asked the Lord on the road to Damascus. Becoming Paul after his conversion, he placed himself at the disposal of the apostles and gave himself to Christ: “ It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. » Paul became the apostle of the pagans, he died beheaded.

The vast majority of priestly ordinations take place in the month of June, particularly on the Sunday preceding the Solemnity of the Apostles Peter and Paul. June 29 is also the feast day of priests, who guide and accompany the Christian community in their steps. Through ordination, the new priest receives the priestly character ” qwhich configures him to Christ the priest to make him capable of acting in the person of Christ the head » (Priesthood, n.2).


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