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The Royal Referral reinforces Morocco’s role as a reference for moderate Sunni thought, based on openness and Ijtihad

The Royal Referral to the Superior Council of Ulemas regarding certain proposals of a religious nature, brought to the High appreciation of His Majesty King Mohammed VI by the Authority responsible for the revision of the Family Code, reinforces the role of Morocco as reference of moderate Sunni thought, based on Ijtihad and openness.

This Royal Initiative, which aims to verify and consolidate the legal basis of the proposals for the revision of the Family Code with regard to religion, reflects the Kingdom’s place as a leading country in this area.

It is a dynamic, open, inclusive and forward-looking approach to issues relating to religion, which make Morocco unique, having always advocated a moderate interpretation of Islam, taking into account the virtues of Ijtihad in the service of the interest of the family.

The Royal Referral, which draws its essence from the prerogatives of Imarat Al Mouminine, stems from the Sovereign’s concern to broaden the institutional consultation process relating to the revision of the Family Code, to meet the expectations of Moroccan citizens.

This involves highlighting the importance of Ijtihad in understanding situations arising from the evolution of society and in emphasizing the ability of legal prescriptions of a religious nature to adapt to new realities.

The Sovereign’s Initiative also refers to the central role of Moroccan Ulemas, renowned for their competence and moderation, in respecting religious precepts and supporting societal developments.


By contacting the Superior Council of Ulemas, His Majesty the King confirms the choice of open and constructive Ijtihad, illustrating once again the High Royal concern for the family, this pillar of the national community.

Indeed, through the far-sighted Royal Initiative, which falls within the framework of the constitutional prerogatives of the Sovereign, in His capacity as Amir Al Mouminine and President of the Higher Council of Ulemas, this Institution is called upon to issue a collective Fatwa which will strengthen the proposals submitted by the Authority responsible for revising the family code and consolidate the use of Ijtihad to improve the fate of all members of the family.

Moroccan Ulema are thus called to express an opinion in accordance with the values ​​of Islam while respecting the purposes of religion and their change over time.

His Majesty the King ensures, through this Referral, to associate the Ulemas and their constitutional institution with the collective reflection on the revision of the Family Code, which stands out from other legal texts since some of its provisions have a religious reference. The aim is to verify and strengthen the legal basis of certain proposals of the Family Code Revision Authority with regard to religion through Ijtihad.

With the current reform, Morocco, under the Clairvoyant Leadership of His Majesty the King, intends to successfully complete this major societal project, which will meet the aspirations of the whole of society and ensure the consecration of full and complete rights of the components of the Moroccan family.

The Royal Referral also supports the strength of the proposal and the social demands expressed, within a consensual framework marked by renewal, taking into consideration the interest of the family, the stability of marital relations and the sustainability of peace and affection between all family components.

With MAP


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