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Geneviève Lemoine and Dominique Dupuis represent Lutte Ouvrière in Nièvre

Geneviève Lemoine and Dominique Dupuis, the two candidates nominated by Lutte Ouvrière for the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, held a public meeting in Nevers on Thursday June 27.

Not recognizing itself in the New Popular Front, Lutte Ouvrière has chosen, once again, to go it alone for these early legislative elections by proposing its own candidates.

Fighting capitalism

In the first constituency of Nièvre, the Trotskyist revolutionary communist party is represented by Geneviève Lemoine, while Dominique Dupuis is running for the second constituency. One, a retired social worker, is replaced by Thierry Duvernay, the other, a retired worker, is seconded by Philippe Simon.

All our articles on early legislative elections

This is not their first election campaign for both of them. Already invested for the last legislative elections in 2022, they intend to make this new election a political platform: “We want to make our ideas heard, make ourselves known and meet our camp: the workers”, explains Geneviève Lemoine.

And Dominique Dupuis added:

We also want to give workers the opportunity to vote for their side.

Although “it is not by voting that workers have acquired rights, it is through strikes and the streets”, the two candidates, aware of the singularity of this election, wish to raise the ideas of their party:

“Until we tackle capitalism, nothing will change.”

Dominique Dupuis (empty)

Concretely, Lutte Ouvrière proposes in particular to “ban all layoffs” and to ensure that workers “have control over their company’s accounts to know where the money is”. Finally, it is necessary for both candidates to “index salaries and pensions to inflation”.

Fight for workers

Concerning the rise of the National Rally, the two candidates intend to combat the ideas of the extreme right on the ground: “The great savior does not exist, workers must take their fate in hand”, affirms Geneviève Lemoine. “People are fed up and the left parties, once in power, betrayed the workers, so they turn to the National Rally but it is a serious error,” assures Dominique Dupuis, for whom “the program of the RN, it’s the same policy as Macron, but worse.”

To the possibility of calling for a blockade against the “enemy of the workers” by voting for the New Popular Front in the second round, the response is “we’ll see.”

Louise Darrieu


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