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Where to shop in Allier this summer?

Morning or rather evening, the choice of markets grows from year to year in Allier. The 6th Bourbonnais Markets Guide attests to this since it now includes 85 to be found only during the summer season, including some all year round.

“This guide is aimed at tourists, as well as local customers. It lists all the markets in the department,” according to Jean-Christophe Mallet, vice-president of the Allier Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) and president of the Vichy delegation.

Appeared under the impetus of the CCI of Allier, for the promotion of non-sedentary trade, this guide is self-financed thanks to advertising partnerships. It can be found in tourist offices, town halls and major local tourist sites, or online.

This couple is reviving a small farm abandoned for 25 years in the East of Creuse

Reviving the social bond

Five additional markets were listed this year, out of a total of 85 non-sedentary markets throughout the department. These are three weekly markets in the Montluçon area. Two taking place in the afternoon, in Desertines and La Chapelaude, and one, in the morning, in Marcillat-en-Combraille.

This guide was printed in 15,000 copies throughout the department.

The other two are located in the Vichy basin, in Vendat, every other Friday, from 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and in Vaumas, for a single semi-nocturnal producer market, on July 12, from 6 p.m. There, food and non-food products are sold, each market having its own specificities depending on its location.

Half-fig, half-grape start to the season for Bourbonnais market gardeners

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These local points of sale make it possible to revive social ties in town centers which sometimes no longer have any businesses. What Patrick Dubois, president of the Marchés de France Vichy union, underlines: “These markets are anchored in our traditions and bring a significant flow of customers. They set up in areas where businesses have disappeared and fight against the rural exodus. »

Text Chloé Goigoux, photos Renaud Baldassin


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