DayFR Euro

“Madam, this discredit on justice is not fair”

Conflicts between sisters-in-law often end up in court. It often happens in these cases that the civil party withdraws at the last moment to limit the damage. Between Mrs. Khady N. and her husband’s sister Ndèye D., the current does not pass. And it is a banal story of a doll that was the spark that rekindled the hatred between these two women who came to blows.

Much stronger, the defendant had the upper hand over her sister-in-law who was badly injured with a bloody head. Khady N. files a complaint but her parents and those of the civil party make her withdraw. But still harboring a grudge against her husband’s sister, she blurts out this sentence which will shake the court off its hinges.

“When I filed a complaint against her, her parents told me that they won the battle and that I will not win because they know the authorities,” said the civil party.

“I don’t understand this perception that some people have of justice, this discredit to which it is subject. Madam, you should know that we judge with total impartiality, on the basis of the facts of the file presented to us, the investigation and the hearing debates,” declares the president of the court.

“This discrediting of justice is not fair. You must have respect for the justice of your country. We do not defend anyone’s cause. You do not have to listen to those who arrogate to themselves the power that they do not have to influence us. It is false!”, the prosecutor says to the woman.


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