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Gabriel Attal cancels his visit to Meyzieu: little story of a big hiccup

On the last day of campaigning before the first round of early legislative elections, it was in Lyon that Gabriel Attal chose to throw the last forces of the majority into the battle.

On the agenda, an express trip this Friday, June 28, to support four outgoing deputies (Sarah Tanzilli, Anne Brugnera, Thomas Rudigoz and Jean-Luc Fugit) threatened by the New Popular Front and the National Rally.

No visit to burned school

The day should have started with a visit to the school that burned down earlier this week in Meyzieu, but the press was informed at the last minute that this sequence was cancelled. The reason? On the surface, logistical and organisational problems. On the substance: latent political tensions that are bursting into the open with the Prime Minister, but also between the MP for the 13th constituency Sarah Tanzilli (Renaissances) and the mayor (LR) of Meyzieu Christophe Quiniou.

Read also on Tribune de Lyon: Legislative. Gabriel Attal in Lyon Friday June 28 in support of the Renaissance candidates

For the outgoing MP, who had a heated argument with Christophe Quiniou on site this morning, “the mayor caused a scandal with the Prime Minister’s office to prevent the visit from taking place, saying that he had been warned too late and that he would not be able to open the school, when 3 minutes later he was there with the keys in his pocket… I had warned him the day before. »

Warned a quarter of an hour before

Already particularly irritated by having been excluded from any speaking engagement at the time of inaugurating the Beltrame high school in his town last September, Christophe Quiniou confirms having been warned, but criticises the Prime Minister’s protocol for having been poorly organised. “I was informed yesterday at 6:54 p.m. that the Prime Minister was coming to Marcel-Pagnol to provide support to the teaching teams. Even if there isn’t one because the school is closed. I’m waiting for details, and… I’ve been waiting for them ever since. It was at 11:40 this morning that Gabriel Attal’s chief of staff called me to tell me that he would arrive at twelve, twelve and a quarter! It’s disrespectful, but I manage to be there with the keys. And when I arrive, I get yelled at by Sarah Tanzilli who says he canceled his visit because I refused to open the school!”.

Read also on Tribune de Lyon: MAP. Legislative: here are the scenarios emerging in Lyon and the Metropolis

The mayor of Meyzieu assumes that the protocol for the visits had been too short-term to link up Part-Dieu-Meyzieu-Lyon 6e station for lunch. “They’re idiots, they just didn’t have time to come…”

Sarah Tanzilli: “Permanent lying disgusts me”

Sarah Tanzilli had not completely calmed down, a few minutes later in Lyon, and regretted that she and the government had not been able to provide support and aid to this traumatized establishment. “Unfortunately, he preferred to defend his party’s candidate (Philippe Meunier on the 13th constituency, Editor’s note) rather than his municipality. I’m not particularly surprised, over the last two years he has always boycotted me, and he continues until the last day of the campaign. Permanent lies in politics disgust me. If we are here, it is because some people are demonetizing political speech.”


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