DayFR Euro

Marc Compain, the quiet strength of MBC Neuville

We are only halfway through the season but it is already certainly his best. An indispensable and valuable player in previous seasons, Marc Compain has taken on an additional dimension this year. “He is having the best start to the season of his career given his vision and his importance in the gamesums up his trainer, Bertrand Delavault. He assumes his role as captain by putting the guys back in line when necessary and brings serenity to the team.”

The statistics summarize the impact of the MBCN captain for eight seasons in the game. Second player in Elite 1 in the motoball index (88) behind his teammate Louis Magnin (99), he has also become a formidable scorer, as last Saturday when he gave his team victory in Saint-Georges-de-Reneins in the first leg (1-2). “I wanted to score, I had to do it and it’s very good that we won”he smiles. He is so effective that he is the second best scorer of the season, with 20 goals, still behind the extraterrestrial Louis Magnin (25 goals). Better still, he is only one unit away from his personal record that he should break soon, perhaps as early as this Saturday during the semi-final return leg.

“Seeing the end coming, I want to eat everything”

“He is a second back but capable of playing in all positionsappreciates his trainer. He wants the team to give the best and invests himself in doing so very well. It’s only in the goals that I haven’t seen him play yet! »

Marc Compain exudes an impressive quiet strength. At 32, the Neuville international is performing well while exuding a remarkable serenity. “I think expecting a second child has a mental impactexplains the dad of little Liam, 2 years old, and soon a little girl. As my job is quite demanding, motoball is a real outlet for me, which means that I play much more on instinct than before. There are several factors that make it work for me. Maybe also that, seeing the end coming, I want to eat everything.

The countdown has begun. He gives himself two or three more years before hanging up his boots. Even though this sport is a passion that all Neuvillois practice voluntarily, it also requires a lot of sacrifices, including many long trips to Vaucluse that have an impact on family life. So, when the family grows, priorities logically change. “He knows when he’s going to stop and he’s hungry for titles. He’s set himself a goal and he’s going to do everything to stick to it.”assure Bertrand Delavault.

“My teeth are sharper than five years agorecognizes the Neuville captain. I just keep repeating to the youngsters that we have a team that is title-worthy and we have to take the train when it passes because it doesn’t always happen. For them too, I try to make myself as efficient as possible. I am more aware today of my strengths and on which parts of the pitch I am most efficient.”

“With Louis Magnin and Joffray Mirebeau, we want to leave our mark on this club”

But it was also during the lean years that Marc Compain built up this rage to win which now animates him. “Certainlyacquiesce-t-il. With Louis (Magnin) and Joffray (Mirebeau)we had a tough time with seasons where the mechanics were catastrophic, it was very complicated at different levels, we were not up to par on the field and the sporting results suffered. I use it as a personal lever because I no longer want to see someone else win. I tell myself that it’s my turn.

And at the same time continue to fill the trophy room of a club to which he is very attached. “It’s a family story, initially, with my dad who played at the club, my grandfather who came all the timeexplains the youngest brother of the equally excellent Jérémy and Yann when they wore the colors of the MBCN. I also have a deep attachment to the volunteers. With Louis and Joffray we want to leave our mark on this club by bringing it titles. We want to make people proud.

Qualifying for the final of the Coupe de France this Saturday, June 29, to collect a trophy dear to the MBCN, next September 7 at home, is part of this desire.


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