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Training in financial journalism: 32 journalists receive their Certificates

At the end of a very rigorous training in financial journalism, 32 journalists received their certificates yesterday, Thursday June 27, 2024. Among these auditors, Nando Cabral Gomis and Jean Pierre Malou from South Daily. It was during a ceremony organized by the Center for the Study of Information Sciences and Techniques (CESTI) in Dakar.

32 listeners received their parchments yesterday, Thursday June 27, 2024, at the end of very rigorous training in financial journalism. The Financial Journalism Certificate Award Ceremony of the Financial Journalism Training Program of Bloomberg Media Initiative Africa (BMIA) was organized by the Center for the Study of Information Sciences and Techniques (CESTI) in a local hotel in Dakar. This training program aims to strengthen the capacities of journalists and other actors in the private or public sector on economic and financial issues.

This training session was organized by CESTI, in collaboration with numerous partners, in addition to BMIA: the African Center for Higher Studies in Management (CESAG), the Institute of Earth Sciences (IST) and Strathmore University Business School (SUBS). Training in financial journalism will allow listeners to be better equipped to process economic information in their various media. In order to make it easier for the general public to understand the concepts and jargon of economic specialists.

The task was hard for the learners. Because the training took place in the context of a health crisis: Covid-19. Added to this is a busy schedule for media professionals who provide reporting and attend classes during the week for 3 days in a row. Mamadou Ndiaye, Director of CESTI, specifies: “CESTI is a school of excellence.” However, he does not minimize the challenges ahead. This is why, according to him, training in financial journalism has come at the right time. Furthermore, Mr. Ndiaye has confidence in the future. “We will achieve a lot of things,” stressed the Director of CESTI.

The rigor and availability of his colleagues are at the origin of the success of this training. The platform or (WhatsApp group) of listeners attests to the positive impact of the quality of the lessons that were provided. Aboudou Ouattara, representative of the Director of CESAG, Professor Rosalie, revealed the content of the financial journalism training program. This involves learning management, analyzing and interpreting data, the financial market, among others.


“The auditors benefited from high-quality training allowing them to acquire proven skills to deal with economic themes, in this case very in-depth investigations on development issues,” he said. The representative of Professor Rosalie urges the new recipients to “tell the truth, nothing but the truth. By complying with the rules of ethics and professional conduct. In short, to be “men committed to the truth, serving the common good”.

In addition, Ballé Preira, Technical Advisor and member of the Communication Unit of the Ministry of Finance and Budget, on behalf of the minister, stated: “we are convinced, at the Ministry of Finance and Budget, that this milestone will serve to fill the gap in the popularization and appropriation of economic and financial questions which are of capital importance”. Mr. Preira hopes that “Soon economic and financial concepts will no longer be a mystery to listeners, viewers, readers and other Internet users.”

The spokesperson for the graduates praised the dedication of the teaching staff who spared no effort to provide quality teaching during their training. Thus, he noted, the auditors will approach economic issues while demonstrating professionalism.



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