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SIPEN 2024: Baptism of fire for the Minister in charge of Digital Affairs Alioune Sall

[DIGITAL Business Africa] – The Dakar International Digital Economy Professionals Fair is in its seventh edition. A first for the Minister of Communication and Digital Economy, Alioune Sall, who opened, this Thursday, June 27, 2024, one of the largest digital fairs in Africa. SIPEN aims to sustainably raise growth potential, stimulate creativity and private initiative. It was initiated in order to create a network of digital economy professionals in West Africa. SIPEN 2024 is placed under the High Patronage of the President of the Republic of Senegal, HE Bassirou Diomaye Faye and under the aegis of the Ministry of Communication and Digital Economy. Its Minister Alioune Sall praised all those who are involved in the resounding success of SIPEN 2024.

“I would like to express my thanks to the president of the Organization of Digital Professionals (OPTIC), Mr. Antoine Ngom, and through him, all the members of OPTIC for the organization. The presence of OPTIC and other organizations constitutes an opportunity to rely on private sector players, who undoubtedly allow us to accelerate the much-desired digitalization of administrative services and strengthen digital sovereignty with a strong local content in the implementation of structuring projects. We are convinced that it is by increasing our exchanges and strengthening our common trust that we will establish this strategic public-private alliance to achieve the vision of the President of the Republic expressed during his address to the nation on April 3, 2024: “strengthen the private sector and accelerate the digitalization of administrative services in order to make our administration more efficient.”he said.

The theme of this seventh edition of SIPEN is: “The acceleration of digitalization, a powerful lever for competitiveness in Senegal and Africa”. During the opening ceremony, Minister Alioune Sall celebrated the signing of the framework agreement between the West African Development Bank and the Grouping of Professional ICT Organizations (ROPTIC) to accelerate digital transformation in the UEMOA zone. Rwanda is participating as guest country of honor in this SIPEN, which ends this Friday, June 28, 2024.

By Jean Materne Zambo, source: MCTN

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