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His daughter has cancer, he crosses Canada by bike for the cause.

A Vancouver police officer cycled across Canada in 53 days to raise money for pediatric cancer research.

Dayne Campbell cycled for 15 years with the Cops Against Cancer group and it was when he bowed out that he learned the worst news a father can receive: his daughter had been diagnosed with cancer. So he decided to cycle across the country in her honor, Global News reported.

After starting his 7,000 km journey on May 6, the police officer finally arrived in Halifax on Thursday, 53 days after his departure.

“Doing these hikes over the last 53 days to raise money for this cause has been fantastic and I’m so happy I did it,” he told the English-language outlet.

Note that Dayne Campbell had set himself the goal of traveling across Canada in 60 days, whereas it normally takes about three months to do so.

“I have done circuits from 15,900 km to 1,000 km over the years. Hence my first 15 years of involvement, and then obviously this year being the trip across Canada,” he emphasized.

For her part, his daughter Rebecca said she was proud of her father even before he crossed the country. “It takes a lot of determination and time to train for something like this,” she mentioned.

During this trip, Mr. Campbell raised more than $50,000 in donations for pediatric cancer research.


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