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Weather report. New alert for very strong thunderstorms, a risk of hail in the Rhône and Lyon


Nicolas Zaugra

Published on

June 28, 2024 at 10:43 a.m.
; updated June 28, 2024 at 10:51 a.m.

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Just a few hours after violent, intense storms which swept several municipalities in the Rhône on Thursday afternoon causing torrential rains and flooding, new storm phenomena are announced for this Friday, June 28, 2024.

New violent storms risk hitting Lyon and the Rhône this Friday before Saturday which could be the most intense.

A very localized violent thunderstorm due to possible hail

“The first outbreaks of storms are expected early this afternoon in Auvergne. They will then progress towards the west of Rhône-Alpes then the Saône valley“The supercell risk is marked with possible heavy hail and occasional but vigorous gusts of wind,” explains Keraunos, the French observatory for tornadoes and violent storms, in its bulletin.

The municipality of Lyon is exposed today and tonight to a risk of thunderstorms, sometimes strong, with a probability of thunderstorms considered high. The potential for violent hail (diameter greater than 5 cm) is very low, and the risk of tornadoes is expected to be very low.

French Observatory of Tornadoes and Violent Storms

“The significant risk of thunderstorms will then shift to the Jura at the end of the day. By the end of the evening, convective activity should cease in the area. A very localised violent thunderstorm, due to the hail produced, is not totally excluded,” the observatory continues in its forecasts for this Friday.

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In the Rhône, the risk of storms is high with storms that can be strong. (©Carte Keraunos)

Météo-France has always placed the Rhône department in Yellow storm warning this Friday. A vigilance also valid on Saturday.

New strong storms expected on Saturday

Météo-France is forecasting new strong storms this Saturday, including in Lyon. “A significant stormy deterioration is looming for Saturday, June 29, 2024, particularly in central and eastern France. We fear torrential rain, large hail and gusts of wind,” informs Guillaume Séchet, meteorologist for Météovilles.

Thunderstorms are expected to hit the entire Rhone department on Saturday evening. Sunday is expected to be rainy, with no thunderstorms.

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