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AIGUES-MORTES The Saint-Louis festivities nave is getting a makeover

Montjoie, the royal nave which will take King Saint-Louis to the Crusades this August 25 in front of the South Rampart, is being refurbished in an undisclosed location, near the recycling center.

The restoration of the royal nave was entrusted to around ten people who are participating in a professional integration project supervised by Patrick Granier, artist and sculptor from Aigues-Mortais.

Oh my boat!

Because this year again, Montjoie, the royal ship, will embark King Louis IX, known as Saint-Louis, towards Jerusalem, in the seventh crusade, on August 25. A climax show and closing of a crazy weekend in which 350 extras tell the history of the medieval city.

The royal nave is getting a makeover • Photo Yannick Pons

The boat, mounted on a 4X4 vehicle, is being repaired and improved on the road side of the recycling center, in an undisclosed location. It is therefore on the shoulders of Patrick Granier that the heavy task of restoring the boat for this summer’s celebrations rests.

Occupational integration

Around him, a dozen sailors saw, nail, repair and lovingly paint the divine boat. Angie, Éric, Nicolas, Angie, Myriam, Yannick and Nordine are busy almost every day on the site, under the leadership of the association Le passe muraille.

Impeccable painting • Photo Yannick Pons

The young and dynamic team that works around the boat benefits from socio-professional support from an integration advisor, supervised by professionals. By joining the association Le passe muraille, the employee signs a fixed-term integration contract of four months, renewable for up to one year.

We are recruiting!

The weekly working time is 26 hours per week. Three or four days in the field for work around green spaces or finishing work and two days of training per month. Employees benefit from socio-professional support. They are supported by an integration advisor (search for immersion periods, participation in job fairs, workshops, job search techniques).

The unit is currently operating in the municipalities of Aigues-Mortes, Grau-du-Roi and Saint-Laurent-d’Aigouze. A minibus travels to these three municipalities to transport employees. Places are available, contact your France Travail, RSA, Cap emploi, Local Mission, CAF advisor…

Construction sites in Gard

Le passe muraille, a non-profit association under the 1901 law whose headquarters are located in Montpellier, now runs nine integration workshops and sites in the Gard and Hérault regions. Two in graphics and communication in Montpellier and Bagnols-sur-Cèze, one in collective catering (Montpellier), and six around the promotion of built heritage and the maintenance of natural spaces (Terre de Camargue, Vauvert, Fourques, Aramon, Bagnols-sur-Cèze).


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