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“The danger is at our doors”: anti-fascist demonstration in Saint-Denis

Like the CGT at the national level, the CGTR logically made the same choice by calling for a vote for the New Popular Front. At the same time, the local confederation organized an anti-fascist rally in Saint-Denis yesterday morning in front of the prefecture. A little less than a hundred people were present, not a large crowd, but the important thing was not in the count, but in the call for this rally, at a time when the National Rally (RN) is preparing to make a spectacular entrance into the National Assembly – according to the polls’ projections for the legislative elections – and then logically into the government. “Danger is at our doorstep,” says Patrick Grondin, confederal secretary of the CGTR. A danger which lies in the extreme right that is the RN, and not in the extremes in general (the New Popular Front and its components are not, as the Council of State so well underlined, Editor’s note) . “Today, the RN is riding a wave, but no one is really aware of the ideas and dangers it conveys”, he continues.

“When the far right comes to power, it refuses to give it back”

And the union recalls the dangers inherent in the arrival of an extremist party in power, relying on previous experiences: “When the far right comes to power, it refuses to give up power. Either because it fights the outcome of the elections by trying to organize putsches like in the United States and Brazil, or because it changes the rules of the game to be sure not to lose the elections, like what Meloni is trying to impose in Italy with a constitutional reform that calls into question the independence of justice and the prerogatives of the unions.” Locally, the CGTR calls on voters to be wary of the RN program. “On purchasing power, it’s an illusion. The RN will make the richest even richer. On the retreats, we could see the backpedaling.”

But then, how can we explain this sharp increase in the RN vote during the last European elections? “Internally, when we talk about the RN, it is immediately the question of insecurity that emerges. The population is also fed up because the politicians are disappointing. Some say, we don’t know the RN, we’ll try. But this is where we say beware of danger. We have already seen what happened under the Vichy regime. says Patrick Grondin.

No blank check for the Popular Front

Conversely, the CGTR considers that the program of the New Popular Front is the one that best corresponds to the “expectations and aspirations of workers and which opens up the most possibilities for winning mobilizations.”

But be careful, no blank check. Everyone still remembers, when the Hollande version of the left was in power, the decisions taken to unravel the labor code: the El Khomri law which had led to protests before paving the way for Macron’s reform of the labor code. work… We know the rest. “We will ensure that the program that was presented for these elections is well implemented.” As for the absence of a position from the other unions, no comments, but only the assurance that the CGTR will be there between the two rounds and afterwards in the event of a victory for the National Rally.

Julien Delarue
[email protected]

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