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What Participatory Budget projects will see the light of day in Brest within two years?


Julien Saliou

Published on

June 28, 2024 at 12:07 p.m.

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The fourth edition of the Participatory Budget of the City of Brest delivered its verdict on Thursday, June 27, 2024. Twenty-two projects were selected.

• Some numbers

173 projects were submitted during the collection of ideas in 2023. 149 were admissible and submitted to the vote of Brest residents, then 49 in total during the final vote from June 3 to 23. Ultimately, 22 projects were winners, spread across all districts of the city. Three of them will cost more than 150,000 euros in a total budget of 1.7 million euros.

“During season 5, it will increase to two million euros,” revealed Yann Guével, deputy mayor.

• Lockers for the homeless, the most requested project

LaBoitàToit was the project with the most votes. It involves installing locker boxes for the homeless in different locations across the city. “I had this idea when I went to the Lighthouse (day center for people in difficulty), I traveled a lot thanks to this project,” Francette reacted, moved, to the initiative.

Ces Lockers will be accessible 24 hours a day and will allow you to keep your personal belongings and thus avoid losing them or having them stolen. “Thus offering freedom of movement, time to find a stable situation, and the reassurance necessary to concentrate on rehabilitation, job search…”. Cost, 34,000 euros.

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• Young people have (good) ideas!

Four projects were carried out by young people under 18. The most expensive (200,000 euros) was that of minors from the social centre in the Kerourien district. They proposed redesigning an outdoor space and allowing the practice of different physical activities with the development of a 5×5 football field and 3×3 basketball field.

Another idea supported by young people (school children from the Europe district), the installation of a zip line in the Kerinou garden (70 000 euros).

• Vegetation, collective orchard…

Other winning projects include that of Damien Rouillon. He wants reinventing the place of Liberty. Too dull for his taste, he wanted to plant and decorate it, as well as the adjacent plots.

Greening the commercial port is also a wish that will become reality for another project leader. Of course, it will be discussed everywhere: a collective orchard in each neighborhood to offer everyone the opportunity to plant a fruit tree is another idea defended by a Brest resident. “This initiative aims to reconnect the community with nature, to encourage the consumption of local fruits and to transmit know-how in maintaining fruit trees. »

The list of winners can be found on

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