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Euro 2024: Gli Azzurri wary of Switzerland

The Azzurri are wary of Switzerland

The Italians remain confident. But the last two confrontations that prevented them from participating in the World Cup in Qatar have left their mark.

Published today at 12:05 p.m.

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On the eve of the round of 16 match against Switzerland, the Italian press is trying to reassure the country by appealing to history. In terms of track record, there is no comparison. The Italians have won four World Cups and two European Championships. Switzerland, zero major trophies. Furthermore, according to “Tuttosport”, the record of the confrontations between the two nations is clearly favourable to the Nazionale: 29 victories, 8 defeats and 24 draws. The Nati’s last success dates back to 1993.

The “Gazzetta dello Sport” does not boast, however. The Milanese newspaper recalls that the nation is still traumatized by the two draws against Switzerland in 2021 who had contributed to the elimination – the second time in a row – from a final phase of the World Cup, that in Qatar. An injury which “still hurts”. And which the victory at the last European Championship did not allow to completely heal.

Jorginho’s traumas

But there is something even more distressing. The sports press is twisting the knife in the wound, spreading criticism on the Italian midfielder Jorginho. “The playmaker who is not turning out well”, according to the “Corriere dello sport”. The current Arsenal player is the one who missed a penalty in each of his two draws against Switzerland in 2021. Still a starter today, he has not convinced in the first three matches of this Eurofoot in Germany. While this role is central to the game of the “Azzuri”. But who to put in his place? the media despair.

To better understand the Swiss, the “Corriere dello sport” went to explore the national team’s training camp in Stuttgart. “The players arrive at their place of work by bike,” the journalist marvels. The article describes the Swissness of the place: calm, serenity and silence reign there. “Italy are favourites,” says player Michel Aebischer. Bluff. “The Swiss are certain to beat us,” writes the “Gazzetta dello sport”. But be careful: from “belief to pretension, there is only one step.”

Trio with Bolognese sauce

This round of 16 is therefore experienced as an almost existential revenge for the Italians. The latter remain confident, despite everything. The bookmakers predict they will win. And in the event of a defeat, it will also be a half-victory for the excellence of “calcio”: “Il Corriere della sera” believes that the current strength of the Swiss team lies in the trio Aebischer-Freuler-Ndoye. A “backbone” that was created at FC Bologna and that brought happiness to the club in “Serie A” last season. The Nati would only reap the benefits.


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Dominique Botti is a journalist for the Vaud section of 24 Heures, specializing in field investigations, news items and legal news.More informations @dominiquebotti

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