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Who are the winners of the departmental Viennese pastry competition?

Wilfried Auderent’s croissant (Le Fournil gourmand, in Faverolles-sur-Cher) won the competition organized by the Departmental Federation of Artisan Bakers of Loir-et-Cher with the Chamber of Trades this Thursday, June 27, 2024.

Gathered in the Crédit Agricole premises in Blois, the nine members of the jury had an afternoon to decide between the candidates who competed in four different categories: butter croissant, pain au chocolat, puff brioche and that of the apprentices who had to make a croissant.

Each of the pastries had to meet criteria: cooking, shine, visual appearance, fondant, flakiness, taste. And braiding, in addition, for the brioche.

In total, eleven bakeries from the department (36 pastries) participated in this edition of the competition in this form, after a blank year. And the first without the obligation of adherence, for these participants, to the “Homemade Viennoiserie” charter, in order to further open the competition, as recalled by Christelle Detrait, president of the departmental federation. Goals ? “Highlighting excellence and craftsmanship”she explained before the winners were revealed.

The 2024 list of winners

Growing apprentice competition: 1re Yaëlle Roder (Les Gourmandises d’Olivier, Blois), 2e Matéo Journé (At Justine and Benjamin’s Fournil in La Ferté-Imbault), 3e Mathis Paumier (Dolmen Bakery, La Chapelle-Vendômoise).

The three apprentices rewarded for making their croissant.
© Photo NR, Vanina Le Gall

Chocolate bread competition: 1is Frédéric Renouard (Les Gourmandises d’Olivier, Blois), qualified for the regional competition on September 16 and 17 at the CFA in Blois; 2e Arnaud Brague (La Pause gourmande, Romorantin), 3e Jean-Pascal Detrait (Le Fournil de Lola, Blois).

Puff pastry brioche competition: 1is Stéphane Mercier (The Gourmet Oven, Romorantin), 2e Julie Tournassat (Olivier’s Treats, Blois), 3e Arnaud Brague (La Pause gourmande, Romorantin).

Growing competition: 1is Wilfried Auderent (Le Fournil gourmand, Faverolles-sur-Cher), qualified for the regional competition on September 16 and 17 at the CFA in Blois; 2e Nicolas Derré (À Fleur de Pain, Ménars), 3e Jean-Pascal Detrait (Le Fournil de Lola, Blois).


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