DayFR Euro

9th Congress on Unexpected Infant Death on July 3-4, 24

250 to 350 infants still die each year in France from Unexpected Infant Death (IND), which remains the leading cause of infant mortality among children aged less than one year in our country.

Dad and baby (Pixabay)

Necessary investigations

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is by definition “the death of an infant occurring suddenly when nothing in the infant’s known history could have predicted it”. After complete investigations including the history of the events as well as all the additional examinations recommended by the High Authority of Health (biology, imaging, etc.), either a cause explaining the death is found, or no cause is identified, we then speak of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Prevention of the general public

The French reference centres caring for children who have died from sudden infant death syndrome in France meet annually to analyse the information collected in the national observatory set up since 2015.
This observatory aims to:
• obtaining precise and exhaustive epidemiological data
• the identification of new risk factors for MIN
• the development of scientific research in the field of MIN.
The goal is to generate and update prevention messages for the general public and health professionals, to improve the care of deceased families and children and to advance scientific research in the field of INDs.

The program


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