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The general meeting of the Amap du Moun under the sign of future projects

On Wednesday, June 26, the general meeting of the Association for the Maintenance of Peasant Agriculture (AMAP) of Moun was held in the premises of the Jean-Cassaigne college. The opportunity to take stock…

Wednesday June 26, in the premises of the Jean-Cassaigne college, the general assembly of the Association for the Maintenance of Peasant Agriculture (Amap) of Moun was held. The opportunity to take stock, but above all to talk about projects for the future of the always necessary action of Amap.

Around fifty members were present, some of the 25 AMAP producers, Julien Paris, Patricia Beaumont and Salima Sensou, all three departmental councillors. Alain Lefelle, president, took stock of the exercise, recalling that the association now brought together more than 200 families from the urban area.

The Amap du Moun provides short-circuit access, at attractive prices, to a wide range of fresh products offered by 25 local family farms, most of which have the organic label. It is a win-win relationship: allowing the inhabitants of the agglomeration to access healthy and safe food, while supporting local peasant agriculture, by paying producers more fairly.

Amap du Moun also organizes a series of awareness-raising actions on the problems of small agriculture, environmental issues, healthy eating and health, thanks to film debates, round tables, etc.

Widen the circle

Amap du Moun wishes to further expand the circle of its members and producers. But also, through the Landes network of initiatives for the maintenance of peasant agriculture (Limap) which brings together the 25 Landes Amaps, to help breeders convert to organic and contribute to the spread of Amaps. As such, the idea of ​​a new Amap in the Gabardan sector is gaining ground.

Finally, the Amap du Moun wants a logistical rapprochement with the solidarity grocery store which is being set up. The idea of ​​joint deliveries and complementarity in the products offered is being studied and could come to fruition as early as September 2024.



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