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Montpellier Women’s House: You are at home here

Every year in France, 200,000 complaints are filed by women who are victims of violence. It is estimated that there are five times more. Half of them do not cross the threshold of a police station. Faced with this important problem, it was a strong, emblematic, committed act, carrying symbols and hope, which took place on June 27, in the Pompignane district. And in particular that of the opening of the Maison des femmes de Montpellier, a place of reception for women victims of all types of violence, supported by the Montpellier University Hospital, with the support of many partners and patrons including the City and the Montpellier Metropolis, both partner and supporter.

“What is happening here is the entire commitment of a city around the issue of women and the feminist issue. I claim to be a feminist mayor. I am, we are and we are trying to act,” proudly affirmed Michaël Delafosse, Mayor of the City of Montpellier and President of the Metropolis, during this memorable event, like a manifesto for women. Single woman with child, it is not a model, but thousands of life stories where violence is there. It can be physical, psychological, it can be guilt-inducing, with the mental burden, the downgrading… It is by meeting the women of Montpellier that I measured it and this forged my convictions which pushed me, modestly, to try to help this project, but which oblige us all to ensure that our city, and I want to say it strongly, is totally up to date on these subjects. I am very proud, as mayor of the City, that this project is seeing the light of day. It continues to write the modernity of Montpellier. A city which considers that women must continue to break glass ceilings and that equality applies.

Place of reception, listening, care and teaching

At the origin of the creation of the Maison des femmes de Montpellier, human encounters, a strong political will, as well as the establishment of a formidable synergy of coordination of women’s health. A unifying emulation welcomed by all the actors present at the opening.

Anne Ferrer, Director General of the Montpellier University Hospital, began the speeches. : “We said to ourselves, with the CHU teams and with all our partners, that we were going to open in June, it’s June and we’re doing it,” turning to Alexandra Lamy and Ghada Hatem, the two godmothers of the place, before continuing “We have our two inspiring women with us. I am happy to welcome them. You are two wonderful godmothers, you are two strong inspirers.” while recalling the importance of such an opening of place “Every second counts so that we are all ready to welcome women who are victims of violence, who feel the need to find a cocoon, trained and attentive professionals, and associations present. We are a place of care. A place where we go towards, of social connection.”

Professor Pierre Boulot, from the Hérault Women’s House association, recalled the history of the place “We have been working on this for two years. It is a co-construction that is quite unique in France, which has given us exceptional knowledge of the social fabric of the territory. It is a guarantee of success. We must live up to it.” Before also recalling the need for this to be accompanied by two complementary axes: the teaching of sexist and sexual violence, as well as training to deal with it. And the need to do research, to ultimately obtain a national database that can serve as an indicator on where to put the forces. “We are beyond care. We touch on all the dimensions of a person who has been mistreated. »

A necessity also underlined by Ghada Hatem, gynecologist founder of the Women’s House of Saint-Denis and also patron of the Women’s House of Montpellier “Life is made of encounters. Without these exceptional meetings, nothing would have happened. » before thanking those present for the support and reminding “We need to train everyone in our field and do research.”

A genesis of the project also welcomed by Aline Faucherre, president of the CIDFF (Information Center on the Rights of Women and Families) recalling the meeting of March 8, 2022, which brought together the two future godmothers to talk about the project, before the birth of the place. Meeting that gave life to the project and allowed its realization. “We were able to talk to each other, to build a common discourse and project. You are at home here. This is the message we want to convey to the women who will come through the door.” An ambition which is found even in the logo of the place: a wall to symbolize the base, and an open roof which allows us to imagine a future free from violence. “Today is a great day for us, which shows how we can be united. How when we work together we can achieve great things.”

“I am very happy to be the patron of this place,” said Alexandra Lamy, the smiling, invested godmother, who arrived to the applause of the public and whose notoriety could contribute to the good visibility of the initiative, to inspire others. Before recalling with determination and authenticity “I don’t give up, I never give up. Thank you to everyone who participated, for making this house possible. I hope there will be others. »

Go further

In Montpellier, a humanist city where Nobel Peace Prize winner Denis Mukwege, “the man who repairs women”, was made an honorary citizen of the city; where the municipal police, gendarmerie forces and national police are trained against street harassment; where the names of women from history honor the streets, its mayor Michaël Delafosse was committed

“This great humanist city that is Montpellier must be the one that responds to these challenges. The house opens. We will add actors to continue the dynamic of the project. We want, after the Maison des femmes de Saint–Denis which inspired us, the Montpellier model to inspire others,” before also affirming its desire to add, for associations, a new module to combat racism and anti-Semitism, homophobia and sexist and sexual violence. “All public money must contribute to ensuring that everyone carries out these commitments.”


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