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Georges-Louis Bouchez and Maxime Prévot meet with field stakeholders: how do these consultations work and what are they for?

The consultations organized by the MR and the Engagés with the aim of forming a Walloon government end this Thursday. Nearly 300 actors from various backgrounds were received. Everyone welcomes the method, it remains to be seen what will become of these recommendations.

Over ten days, nearly 300 people were received by the two Walloon negotiators, Maxime Prévot and Georges-Louis Bouchez, from all sectors. They explained their demands and their fears. Never before have such broad consultations been organized during the formation of a regional government.

What do the main actors in the field remember? Answers for agriculture, the environment and social issues: “I think both negotiators were really listening.“, “We feel like we have been heard“, “Yes, there was listening.“.

And on the substance?

So much for the form. Basically, the Walloon Federation of Agriculture (FWA) believes that it has been able to defend its priorities: “The FWA’s priorities were really to return to decisions that are respectful of family farming so that it will still be there tomorrow, that it can be innovative, have an income and be able to meet challenges, particularly environmental challenges.“, says Marianne Streel, the president.

Ecolo will no longer be in government, a relief for some farmers, but not necessarily for environmental defenders. The sector nevertheless says it is satisfied to have been able to raise awareness among negotiators, particularly on the climate issue and the preservation of biodiversity: “We were listened to, we even had the beginnings of an exchange during these moments so we clearly see the interest. If the MR and Les Engagés want to introduce the environment without the environmentalists and want to take the environment into account, we follow them“, says Sylvie Meekers, general director of CANOPEA, federation of environmental associations.

The Walloon Network for the Fight against Poverty (RWLP) hopes that households, especially the most precarious, will not be sacrificed in favor of the economy: “We will have to see the gap that there will be between what they will decide and what we believe is necessary for greater social justice.“, reacts Christine Mahy, secretary of the RWLP.

Several dozen hours of discussions were recorded by the negotiators and then processed as they went along by the various working groups. It remains to be seen to what extent this process ultimately influences the programme of the future Walloon government.

And after?

The Walloon part of the consultations is over. It’s time for the Wallonia-Brussels Federation this Friday. The two negotiators will be heading to the capital to meet with the players in Education. First, the union representatives. Second, the university rectors. And then, third, the student representatives.

Big files in perspective. Remember, the Landscape decree had caused a lot of political tension a few months ago. So, ultimately, what is the point of these consultations which, for the Walloon region, will have lasted ten days? Of course, it is about reassuring certain actors of civil society, but not only, say Georges-Louis Bouchez and Maxime Prévot.

The political messages that we hear will also largely contribute to influencing our view, even if we obviously have our programs on which we were able to be elected and have the confidence of the voters. But we will also adjust that to the aspirations of the field“, assures the latter.

consultations mr Engagés provost Bouchez economy agriculture social ecology


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