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Rewards and treatment of African champion athletes: Senegalese athletics denounces the big gap

Three gold medals already in Senegal’s bag The harvest has never been good for Senegalese athletics at the African championships taking place in Douala. This great performance is however only the hidden face of a malaise at the level of the athletes. As suggested by the cry from the heart of Louis François Mendy who exposed the modesty of the bonuses intended for the African champions and the imbalance noted in relation to other disciplines such as football. The complaint of the Senegalese standard-bearer at the next Olympic Games in Paris is widely shared at the level of the Senegalese Athletics Federation. At least by its vice-president Bara Thiam who denounced and immediately called on the State on the urgency of repairing this lack of sporting equity in the treatment of high-level athletes.

Senegalese athletics has been riding a wave of success for a few days with great performances at the African Athletics Championships in Douala. With the victories of Cheikh Tidiane Diouf (400 meters flat), Louis François Mendy in the 110 meters hurdles and Saly Sarr in the triple jump, the harvest is already good for the first Senegalese Olympic discipline. But behind this beautiful improvement are hidden big clouds that are causing great unease among the athletes. At least that is what Louis François Mendy’s strong reaction shows. Freshly crowned African champion, he did not fail to show his frustration over the paltry bonuses of 50,000 FCFA from the Ministry of Sports and an additional 30,000 FCFA that were awarded to him by the Federation.

Louis François Mendy:

“Senegalese athletes are not respected at their true value”

A sum considered modest for the Senegalese athlete and Senegal’s standard-bearer at the next Paris 2024 Olympic Games. But above all a pittance if we compare it with those of Senegalese footballers who have long been taking the lion’s share. We know that a match won by the national team can be worth a bonus of 2 million FCFA and four million for the coach. “It’s unfortunate to be African Champion in Senegal. Being African Champion in Senegal is only in name. Being African Champion to win a bonus of 50,000 FCFA from the Ministry of Sports, and another sum of 30,000 FCFA added to the latter by the president of the federation. Better to go play football, because Sadio Mané or Gana would never have accepted this sum. I give you your bonus. Proud to be African Champion. “It is time for this to stop,” he complained on Wednesday following his victory. Faced with this situation, the future standard-bearer of Senegal at the Olympic Games pleaded for better compensation, better respect for athletes as well as improving the conditions of preparation for the Olympic Games which are fast approaching.

“I don’t make comparisons with footballers. I speak on behalf of all these Senegalese athletes who are not properly respected. May we know how to reward the efforts and sacrifices of the athletes who carry the colors of Senegal high. Food stamps, medical bills, all that, they don’t manage anything… I just had that to say. It is not normal that we are given a sum of 80,000 FCFA. I saw the congratulations from the President of the Republic, I am proud of it, but he needs to hear that. I cannot wait for 23 million from the ministry for someone to come and give me 80 thousand FCFA,” he continues.

It must be emphasized that this complaint is not new. It lays bare the old grievance of athletes. Namely the large gap or imbalance observed in the treatment or reward of athletes during international competitions. For the enthusiasm it arouses among sporting disciplines, football has always occupied a special place. To the point of being handsomely rewarded with hundreds of millions in special bonuses, turnkey houses or land following the continental victories of national teams in all categories between 2022 and 2023. Like the sport-king , basketball has not been the least deprived if we refer to the last title won by the Lionesses at Afrobasket 2015. With at the end a special bonus of 10 million and an apartment.

Bara Thiam, Vice President of the FSA

“It’s time to change the game”

An amount that other disciplines have continued to decry and describe as a lack of sporting fairness or even an injustice. First, the Senegalese Athletics Federation, which is in line with the complaints of Louis François Mendy. According to Bara Thiam, Vice-President of the FSA, “the athlete is within his rights. As the next standard-bearer of the Senegalese delegation to the Olympic Games, he launched a cry from the heart regarding an inequality linked to bonuses. Whether you are a footballer, basketball player, karateka or athlete, an African champion remains an African champion. Today, there must be fairness in the treatment of high-level sports. This is a very old grievance that has not yet been resolved. All the regimes that have passed have failed on this. Today, since we are talking about a break, it is time.”, he reacted.

The federal official nevertheless calls on the State for a paradigm shift in the treatment of Senegalese athletes. Which, in his opinion, has become urgent. “It is time to change the situation. As soon as the athletes return, we will try to meet the minister so that she can listen to us carefully so that we can clearly explain to her what the problems are related to these bonuses. This is so that she can advise the President of the Republic and explain to the Prime Minister so that they take the necessary measures. Today, it is more than urgent to resolve this situation. Otherwise, it could create a dysfunction within the sports federations tomorrow,” he maintains. A call that undoubtedly sounds like a wink from the many athletes to the State that he invites to a break in the rewards, the management of disciplines and the disparities that persist in Senegalese sport. In line with the slogan “Jub, Jubel, Jubanti” which has been put forward by the new authorities of the country.



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