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innovative work serving the common good

Backed by the University of Paris-Saclay, the Foundation of the prestigious faculty is currently working on many innovative projects, particularly around the real-time detection of the first signs of stroke. Presentation.

Chaired by Patrick Duvaut, the Foundation positions itself today as a catalyst for the major missions of the University of Paris-Saclay, whether in the areas of training, research, innovation, sustainable development, or of scientific mediation.

The University of Paris-Saclay, which has 11 Fields medals and 5 Nobel Prizes, is to date the only French representative in the Top 15 world universities. The institution alone represents 15% of French research.

« By relying on the reputation of Paris-Saclay University, our Foundation has managed to set up very innovative partnerships, particularly with start-ups, in order to bring about world firsts for the common good that are French! » explains Patrick Duvaut on this subject.

The partnership financing system

To carry out its various missions, the Paris-Saclay Foundation relies on a primary philanthropic vehicle, which allows it to finance research of the highest level while maintaining total independence, while being protected from lobbies and other economic monopolies.

« The benefit of having this first philanthropic vehicle makes it possible to develop “ethics by design” projects. “, specifies Patrick Duvaut.

The Foundation also relies, via a specific partnership, on a second entrepreneurial vehicle operating in tandem. The objective is then to deploy an industrial solution through efficient and very competitive costs, placing itself at the service of the common good.

Detect the first signs of stroke live

Among its many partnerships, the Paris-Saclay Foundation works in particular alongside Lifinsight, which is the first start-up in the world to deploy a detection device, capable of detecting potential signs of stroke from the first seconds.

« It should be noted that since 2015 there has been a treatment for the management of stroke, thrombectomy, the purpose of which is precisely to detect strokes and the earlier the better! Hence the usefulness of such technology which will be used on iPhones, tablets, smartwatches, or even in cars thanks to cameras which will soon become mandatory in new vehicles. »

This technology also guarantees full compliance with the GDPR regarding the use of user data: people will not be able to be recognized or identified by the tool and they will have total control over their data.

« We strictly comply with the AI ​​Act that was recently adopted by the EU. It should also be noted that these projects could not exist without the help of our partner Auxasphere, which is the only company in the world to perform fiduciary processing of data. », concludes Patrick Duvaut.

This content was produced in partnership with OpenMedias. The BFM Business editorial team was not involved in the production of this content.

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