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This summer at the Château, children are kings!

Posted on Thursday, June 27, 2024 Friday, June 28, 2024

Children are kings at the Château de Saumur. For the 2024 summer season, from July 10 to August 29, the City of Saumur is offering different thematic visits to discover the castle while having fun.

The Story of Grappy and Barbotine
For ages 3 – 6
Grappy, a small bunch of grapes from Saumur, is growing peacefully on its vine when, quickly, it refuses to become wine and decides to leave the row! Grappy takes refuge at the Château-Musée in Saumur and meets his new friend, Barbotine. Between discovery and wonder, our little character sets off to explore bottles, gourds and other earthenware objects in order to mature and, who knows, accept his destiny?
Every Tuesday at 11 a.m.
Duration 1h

The Little Clerks’ Recipe
For ages 3 – 6
Oops… While a grand banquet is being prepared at the Duke of Anjou’s palace, several foods are missing! The little kitchen assistants are then responsible for finding in the rooms of the castle everything necessary for the success of several medieval recipes. Having good eyesight and a sense of smell will enable the success of the quest.
Every Monday and Wednesday at 11am
Duration 1 hour

The game of little riders!
For ages 6 – 12
From the equestrian games of the ancient period to the crazy horse races of the 19th and 20th centuries, children look for clues in the museum to solve the Game Master’s enigmas. Their mission? Find the right solution to advance their pawn on the board of giant little horses and win the game! The opportunity to discover the history of great champions like Flying Fox, an English thoroughbred whose impressive skeleton is kept at the castle.
Every Monday at 2:30 p.m.
Duration 1h30

Investigation game: Works under the microscope!
For ages 6 – 12
How? Why? When? For budding little detectives who love solving mysteries, an investigative visit allows them to discover the incredible collection of ceramics presented as part of the temporary exhibition Let’s Drink! Earthenware tells the story of wine. From sumptuous objects used at the tables of princes to the curious, more popular “talking” earthenware, children uncover manufacturing secrets, discover astonishing shapes and decorations rich in symbols.
Every Tuesday at 2:30 p.m.
Duration 1h30

On the trail of the paws… New edition
For ages 3-6
Sans-numérodinvent-R, the little kitten from the castle, has gone for a walk in the museum rooms again, but this time it’s impossible to get his hands on him! Where can he be? Is he still taking his nap on the Louis The children will have to find him and his little playmates, by following the traces of their little paws hidden in the castle.
Every Thursday at 11am
Duration 1 hour

Each knight has his own coat of arms!
For ages 6 – 12
A parchment bearing the royal seal has just arrived at the castle! It announces the arrival of an important personage on the occasion of a tournament given by René d’Anjou… The children’s mission: find and gather the knights of the surrounding area who will have to display their finest colors. You must then go through the castle to solve several puzzles, decipher the language of the lords of yesteryear and recognize their weapons. A workshop allows you to compose your own coat of arms before leaving the tournament!
Every Wednesday at 2:30 p.m.
Duration 1h30

Mythology and fantastic creatures – Nouveau
For ages 6 – 12
Sirens, phoenixes and dragons tell children the story of legendary creatures from ancient mythology and medieval bestiary. Made of earthenware or woven from wool, these imaginary animals and characters arouse the curiosity of adults and children: which god carries a trident? Which creature is reborn from its ashes? Why does the mermaid bewitch men? To discover this magical world, join this quest at the museum whose ultimate challenge is to make a fantastic tealight holder!
Every Thursday at 2:30 p.m.
Duration 1h30

Objects come to life in the castle! – New edition
All public from 6 years old
Come and follow an unusual visit where the elegant silhouette of the Château de Saumur takes on the appearance of a fairy tale and the objects, from the decorative arts collection, come to life. For the magic to happen, you have to dive into the world of classic animated films and meet the characters from Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid and Cinderella. This original journey, imagined from an exhibition presented in New York and London, combines the world of Walt Disney and works of art from municipal collections.
Every Monday and Thursday at 4:15 p.m.
Duration 1h30

Comics workshop: Earthenware, bubbles and onomatopoeia at the Château-Musée
All public from 6 years old
What if bottles, barrels, gourds and other earthenware came to life in a comic strip? Through drawing and a short story, you are invited to disrupt the order of things at the museum: to make art objects the heroes of a fiction where images and texts mingle. Individual or collective, stylized or more spontaneous, realistic, humorous… your comic strip is the opportunity to translate this visit to the museum into an original story and your personal drawings.
Every Tuesday at 4:15 p.m.
Duration 1h3

Useful information

All activities are limited to 12 participants.
Except family activities, 15 to 20 participants.

For workshops for 3 – 6 year olds, 1 accompanying parent maximum per child or sibling.
For workshops from 7 years old, parents cannot accompany their children.

Paid activities, €2 in addition to the entrance fee to the castle.
€9 for adults, €6.50 for 7-16 year olds, free for under 7s.

Reservation required on 02 41 40 24 40.
Go to the ticket office of the castle shop


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