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the five takeaways from the Community Council

Lhe elected officials from Greater Périgueux, in Dordogne, met on Thursday June 27 at the Espace Aliénor, for a Community Council meeting. Around twenty of them did not attend, due to the electoral campaign and public meetings for the legislative elections.

1 Debate on the application of zero net artificialization

The Regional Plan for Development, Sustainable Development and Territorial Equality (Sraddet), which provides in particular for the fight against land artificialization, was studied after its modification by the Region. Although the decision was voted by 42 votes in favor, it was not without debate, with 18 abstentions and seven votes against. Thierry Cipierre pointed out a contradiction between reindustrialization and environmental commitment. Denis Chapoul, in the same tone as Stéphane Dobbels, stressed: “Rural areas are not the worst students and we no longer have the means to develop our municipalities.” He was supported by Évelyne Roux who denounced “the death of our villages, of schools because there will be no more land, no more families.”

2 Promote the Durestal maquis

“To enrich the tourist offer of this part of the territory, where we have a gem at the end called Paunat, we have a story to tell,” said Jacques Auzou, the president of Grand Périgueux. This story is that of the Durestal maquis, in Cendrieux (commune of Val-de-Louyre-et-Caudeau), which the Agglo, in partnership with the Departmental Center of Memory, wishes to provide with a road and a maquis interpretation center. A contract for a technical and programmatic study has been voted.

3 An agricultural building for Le Chambon

Greater Périgueux has created a collective farm on the Chambon estate, in Marsac-sur-l’Isle, with 5 hectares out of 6 devoted to test spaces, on land belonging to the Agglomeration. A project for an agricultural building of 220 m² for the storage of equipment and market gardening production, which will also be a place for exchange, sales and training was presented. For the construction of this building in biosourced materials, and energy independent, Greater Périgueux has granted 400,000 euros, for delivery hoped for in 2026.

4 The Agora meets rural areas

For five years, Agora, the national circus center in Boulazac-Isle-Manoire, has been developing a cultural project in the territory of the Agglomeration, reaching out to rural communities and promoting artistic dissemination. To go further, to identify avenues for improvement to be implemented, the Agora requested a study from the National School of Architecture and Landscape (Ensap) of Bordeaux and Sciences Po Bordeaux. For this, the director of the Agora, Frédéric Durnerin, obtained a grant of 4,000 euros from Grand Périgueux, granted to the majority.

5 Expand the connected campus of Périgueux

Allowing young people to pursue higher education while remaining in Périgueux, minimizing the cost of housing, the connected campus of Périgueux is enjoying growing success. For the 2023-2024 year, 22 students were on site – four have already validated their year -, and there are already more than 30 for the start of the school year in September. Work on the Canopée building has been validated, for an amount revised to 125,000 euros, shared equally between the Agglo and the Department. A second tutor should also be hired soon.


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