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Brunch Electronik sets up shop in Lyon

After having made all of Paris dance last September, Brunch Electronik is back for a 2024 season and has seen things on a grand scale to make it available to as many people as possible. Yes, if you hadn’t guessed it yet, Brunch Electronik is inaugurating a new destination in France for our greatest pleasure, Lyon, on September 14 and 15 at the Grand Parc Miribel Jonage.

But what exactly is Electronik Brunch?

Brunch Electronik is an electro music festival born in Barcelona in 2013. The soul and objective of this festival have remained the same over the years: to bring together music lovers in a mythical place in the city, in the open air. The festival has also been a resounding success, and editions have been held all over the world, such as in Lisbon or São Paulo.

In a desire to bring together young and old alike around a unifying event, the Brunch wanted to offer a wide range of activities for the whole family, including designer stands and activities specifically designed for children.

There is also a principle that is close to the festival’s heart: no joy without commitment. This is why, in all these editions, the Brunch implements concrete actions to help defend its three pillar values: community, equality and sustainability.

Besides, if you want to know even more about the Electronik Brunch, take a look at their Instagram to discover many images of the festival.

The Lyon edition

So it is at the Grand Parc Miribel Jonage, located only 20 minutes from Lyon, where the Brunch has chosen to set up shop on September 14 and 15. And, the people of Lyon are lucky, the festival line up has already been revealed, and some names should seem familiar to fans of electro music.

✘ Saturday, September 14: AMELIE LENS • SARA LANDRY • ANETHA • ADIEL



So, hurry up and block out your second weekend in September and, above all, run and buy your tickets while they last.


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