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Pig farmer sentenced for failure to comply with health and environmental regulations

On June 13, a farmer was tried for 14 offences relating to health, environmental and animal protection issues. The judgment, which was reserved, was delivered today: he was found guilty on all counts.

Written by NP – Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 7:27 p.m.

Photo d’illustration (Pexels)

A pig breeder from Saint-Pierre has just been found guilty of a series of offenses which concern public health, the environment and animal protection. When DAAF agents visited his farm after a false report of an illegal slaughterhouse, they discovered numerous irregularities on the farm.

In addition to a lack of hygiene on the site, which was not equipped with sanitary elements for the people working on the premises, the storage of meats and the preparation of marinades did not meet standards. Additionally, the meat grinder had not been cleaned and had maggots.

DAAF agents also noted an abnormally high phosphorus level, suggesting spills of non-regulatory slurry. Finally, the animals were not placed according to the regulations in force with separations by age and size. Five stillborn piglets were found among the other pigs, while a piglet a few months old suffering from a leg was not treated.

The farmer’s defense, which claimed to use traditional and organic methods, was not convincing. He was found guilty on all counts and was sentenced to 6 months in prison, suspended, a fine of 20,000 euros, half of which was suspended, as well as 1,000 euros for the 5th class fines and 500 euros for the 4th class fines. The total comes to 20,000 euros.


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