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“The RN is extreme common sense” according to Joan Doro

5TH CONSTITUENCY. He is one of those “converts” of de-demonization. “My political side is resolutely the right, I shuddered when I heard Dominique de Villepin’s speech at the UN, those of Nicolas Sarkozy”immediately frames the active assistant of Johnny Payet, Joan Doro, candidate of the RN in the East. His card in the National Rally, the 42-year-old Palmiplainois took it a year and a half ago. The trigger? “It’s Marine Le Pen, when she comes to Reunion Island in 2022, I had the opportunity to speak with her and I recognized myself in what she said to me”confides this former Marco Boyer activist.

He will then join Johnny Payet with whom he won the municipal elections in 2020. The new mayor increasingly shows his support for Marine Le Pen before taking the reins of the party last year. “When I observe what is happening, the most dangerous, the most extreme for me is not the National Rally and I was reassured in this when I saw, on June 15, in a anti-RN demonstration, organized by the far left, a demonstrator holding a sign +A dead cop equals one less equal vote+, the police are our last rampart For me, this anti-social, anti-living together, anti image. everything, was swept away by Marine Le Pen When I hear Ms. Corvières say that the RN does not like women, our party leader is a woman. !”comments the head of a transport company that he created after a brief stint at the town hall of Saint-Benoît in 2012. He gives his definition of the RN: “A right-wing, conservative and patriotic party, a party of extreme common sense.” Should we be afraid of it? “No, the candidates running here, and I’m thinking of Joseph Rivière for example, are very good people when you take the time to talk with them.”

His program is that of the party, “the one who reassures the French and the people of Reunion and embodies a desire for change.” The disability issue is particularly close to his heart, he who had a leg amputated in 2019 after being cut down while helping victims on the coastal road. (our previous editions). There will be adaptations, he assures, in particular concerning the reduction in VAT on energy as part of a “redesign” of the dock dues desired by the RN. Coming in first in 6 of the 7 municipalities in the constituency, the party wants to transform the test this time.


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